@Flames de Calgary

Les Flames de Calgary peuvent-ils participer aux séries éliminatoires? | FN Barn Burner avec Frank Seravalli

Frank Seravalli rejoint Boomer, Pinder et Warrener sur Barn Burner pour discuter si les Flames de Calgary peuvent participer aux séries éliminatoires avec 20 matchs à jouer


  1. Boys whenever I watch these snippets on YouTube I’m thankful for your success and wish you more of it. However, every morning when I have to listen to the replacement show on the fan 960 I wish with all of my sports soul that you guys did not leave. There is such a cliff.

  2. Get ready for the morning that an announcement will be made: "Calgary Flames Moved Overnight" ……
    There will be a news video on all channels of Mayor Jyoti Gondek running down Stephens Avenue Mall flapping her stubby little flightless wings and shouting : "Come back, come back!! .. city council had an emergency meeting on the new arena just last night!!!" ………………… lol .. suckers!!

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