@Kraken de Seattle

Quelqu’un d’autre a-t-il l’impression que la couverture d’ESPN hier soir était bien trop biaisée envers les Ducks?

Quelqu’un d’autre a-t-il l’impression que la couverture d’ESPN hier soir était bien trop biaisée envers les Ducks?



  1. YaBoyDake

    It was not a good broadcast team.

  2. EMTDawg

    To be fair, that between the legs goal was more impressive than a 5-game win streak.

  3. SeattleKrakenTroll

    Sadly it’s pretty standard for them to be anti Kraken, especially Buccigross

    That said the Zegras goal was highlight reel worthy.

  4. AlienMutantRobotDog

    I thought they made up for it in the post game show and to be fairrrr, it was an impressive shot

    All that said it was not a good broadcast team, I really dislike it when the Kraken are not on Root

  5. ESPN can’t call a hockey game to save their lives. I tend to give those games a miss.

  6. beef_cannon

    Majority of their broadcasts across all sports are just talk show/podcast material with some gameplay filtered in between. Not meant for die hard fans

  7. Rythmicism

    I didn’t think they were particularly biased or anything, I just thought they sucked

  8. InfadelSlayer

    I thought it was good, simply because holy shit Leah Hextall is just torture

  9. Dgolden711

    ESPN doesn’t care about Hockey in general, so their coverage sucks. Most of their hosts couldn’t even follow a game without help the people behind the scenes. NHL games need to get picked up by another network that actually cares about the game.

  10. Architeuthis_McCrew

    No. I mean Zegras did score an amazing goal. I thought it was good. Mostly good because Leah Hextall wasn’t calling the game.

  11. BastardBrody

    The last time that kid had a crazy goal, it went viral. That’s the kind of thing that’s going to bring new eyeballs. I thought they were pretty complimentary of the Kraken. It’s an expansion team that’s in good position to make the playoffs beating up on a lower tier team, not sure how crazy they were supposed to go with the praise.

  12. RepresentativeOfnone

    Zegras is supposed to be the next face of the NHL because it’s really hard to market guys like McDavid when he has the same emotional range as Kawhi Leonard. I will say though I’m getting sick and tired of all the Zegras Jerkoffs

  13. TredHed

    I mean they said multiple times that the Zegras goal was gonna make the highlight real but ‘let’s not forget the final score..’ or words to that effect. So I don’t feel it was that pronounced.

    I honestly don’t mind ESPN broadcast occasionally. I feel like I get new information/perspectives from folks like PK and AJ Mleczko.

  14. EwoksEwoksEwoks

    There’s never any fan base out there that thinks their team gets enough love from the national broadcasters.

  15. spineapplepie

    Turn the sound down and put on 93.3 FM. Our TV team gets most of the love, but our radio team is rock solid too.

  16. TripleBicepsBumber

    At least it wasn’t Leah. And no, the broadcast actually seemed a little biased toward us the majority of the time. Beside the zegras goal but honestly that goal was really awesome. The second it happened I said oh shit that’s gonna be on a goal of the year highlight reel.

    They sure seemed to hammer home that we are still looking for good goal tending though. Throughout the whole game. 😐

  17. idiotguru

    The ESPN Plus crew is pretty bad, but the way they rationalized the non-call on the hit that may have given Dunn a concussion was absurd. I’m still livid about that situation.

  18. PandarenNinja

    The post game show and intermission shows were pretty dominated by “the Kraken are for real and could contend for home ice in the west” conversations.

  19. Safe_Ad5951

    They are a truly awful game calling team. We turned the sound off. My wife was used to the Root team and was like “who the hell are these clowns?”

  20. SublimeErudite

    The shot was incredible, but yes EVERYONE wants Zegras to be a star SO bad. The league, sportscasters, podcasters, EA Sports, you name it.

  21. JLCpbfspbfspbfs

    I noticed the same thing in last year’s game against the ducks. ESPN’s hockey coverage is garbage.

  22. Odd-Equipment1419

    Odd, the folks on the Ducks thread were complaining the feed was biased towards us – though there were only three people participating over there.

  23. TBarretH

    TLDR, ESPN doesn’t care about teams, or really even sports. ESPN cares about telling stories about individuals who happen to play sports.

    In a previous role my team partnered with ESPN to broadcast some sports stuff. We got to talk to them pretty extensively about what they looked for in a broadcast and how they thought about sports and they basically said « Teams don’t matter, we need individuals that we can build narratives around that people can connect with. »

    Extend this to last night’s broadcast and you can see why they care much more about a single individual on a kind of dog shit team (Zegras) than a team that is performing well but has no real standout stars or individuals to tell stories about. If you pay attention to their coverage of the Kraken you can also see them trying to establish those stories, they’ll focus on Beniers and try to make a story about him, but he’s too workman like and consistent and low drama, they’ll try to make a story about Gru and his contract and our goaltending woes, but then he won’t play for a while, or it just isn’t that interesting a story because there really isn’t much drama from the team there. Basically low-drama teams that succeed through whole team contribution not specific stars (The Kraken) are antithetical to ESPN’s entire model.

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