@Canadiens de Montréal

Sean Farrell, tellement sexy en ce moment : il a été nommé joueur de l’année de la Ivy League

Sean Farrell, tellement sexy en ce moment : il a été nommé joueur de l’année de la Ivy League



  1. SuzukiNo1

    When do you think we will sign him?

  2. televisionceo

    Can’t wait for casual fans to realize what a gem he is. He will change our PP quite a bit and will generally make watching our games more enjoyable. His impact will most likely will be immediate and he still have some room to grow.

    edit: ????

    Some definitions:

    Casual Fans: someone who follow the team and know what he hears on the radio and tv but without watching other games or searching stuff about our prospects.

    Impact: Having an immediate impact means it will be apparent when he gets with us. It will add some options we did not have before

  3. HabitApprehensive889

    I am hoping the season has a bit better sense of progress once he is in a Habs uni and looking promising.

  4. Good for him, whether he pans out in the show or not, that’s quite the accomplishment!

    Hopefully he makes a good showing before year’s end with the team and takes that positive momentum and energy into the off-season. Same for all the kids.

    I think the fact that Ghule, Harris, and Wifi managed to stay on the roster from day 1 while Raph and Alex have been given primo ice-time, opportunities and linemates when called, should motivate all the kids to really push hard to make the case for themselves.

    Considering the players we’re going to let walk this summer and the spots that will open up, if a kid has any shot of making it into the NHL next season, regardless of team, it will be the recruits that show up at the Habs’ rookie camp next autumn.

    Farrell and co need to seize this opportunity. Especially the older prospects. I hope our coaching staff can rise to the occasion and equip all of them with bespoke training programs so that they can show up as better versions of themselves.

  5. xc2215x

    Glad he has this awarded to him, hope to see him on the Rocket soon.

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