@Sharks de San José

Il avait parfaitement le droit d’être en colère…

Lors du match de la nuit dernière entre les Sharks de San Jose et l’Avalanche du Colorado, Erik Karlsson a été victime d’une infraction au bâton haut au visage qui aurait clairement dû être une double mineure. Cependant, non seulement il n’a pas été appelé, mais Karlsson a fini par être appelé pour conduite antisportive ! Cela a déclenché Karlsson alors qu’il jetait son casque sur la glace! Après la défaite de 6 à 0, Karlsson a déclaré qu’il se sentait irrespectueux de la part de l’arbitre pour un non-appel aussi flagrant qui a fait bouillir son tempérament – pour lequel il s’est excusé. Je le couvre dans la vidéo récapitulative des faits saillants du hockey de la LNH d’aujourd’hui ! #nhl #hockey #highlights #coloradoavalanche #sanjosesharks


  1. Yes, I am aware the official that I pointed out was a linesman and not the ref. Please read this:

    They can stop play for situations where there are too many men on the ice, when objects are thrown on the ice from the bench or penalty box, or when a player receives a stick illegally. In those cases, the linesman will report the issue to the referee, who makes the call.

    32.3 General Duties – The Linesmen are generally responsible for calling violations of off-side (Rule 83) and icing (Rule 81). They may stop play for a variety of other situations as noted in sections 32.4 and 33.5 below.

    32.4 Reporting to Referee – The Linesman shall give to the Referees his interpretation of any incident that may have taken place during the game.

    Should a Linesman witness a foul (above) committed by an attacking player (undetected by the Referees) prior to the attacking team scoring a goal, the Linesman shall report what he witnessed to the Referees, the goal shall be disallowed and the appropriate penalty assessed.

    The Linesman must stop play immediately and report to the Referees when:

    (xii) When it is apparent that an injury has resulted from a high-stick that has gone undetected by the Referees and requires the assessment of a double-minor penalty. (Rule 60)

  2. Rangers fans have watched refs review a high sticking call and still make the wrong call. We also have seen Quinn get angry like this before with the infamous Wilson WWE fight night lol. Kind of like seeing a coach just as passionate as his players during the game. I know they are suppose to be "professional" but everyone has a limit

  3. Time to start firing pucks at the refs….maybe give them the odd high stick

  4. It is my understanding that officials don't go unpunished over stuff like this… They hear about it from their superiors not long after. I'm not clear on what consequences they can face, but it could be something like being pulled from games or not given as much (or any) playoff games. But c'mon.. What game are the refs watching when the play is RIGHT THERE?!

    Don't apologize, Karlsson! This is the sort of thing that should be escalated both to player safety as well as the NHLPA, for mistreatment of players. Prove to us that he did something wrong that got him an unsportsmanlike (he got it prior to the bucket toss, correct?) or start benching refs. ALSO, hey here's an F-ING good idea: Give the linesmen more power to suggest calls to be made.

  5. EK is a class act. He would not react like this unless the miss was serious. Total bs officiating in CO.

  6. You don't need to apology on this situation (karlsson) because you already got penalised, you already paying your depts to the ''rules'' that refs don't seems to care about.

  7. Think they are missing them now ,, just wait for the PLAYOFFS , Should have been a review , or Linesmen telling Ref he missed the call . and as for Karlsson getting unsportsmanlike l, that is the Refs saying Hey , I am the biggest BULLY in the school yard .. and NHL backs me ,,, I show you who is BOSS… REF should be fined and make to write players association an apology .

  8. I'll tell you why Karlsson deserves the penalty. BECAUSE HE JUMPED AND FLOPPED LIKE A FN GIANT CREAM PUFF SISSY! It wasnt that long ago this NOW diving sissy bullshit behavior was frowned upon in the NHL. Hell, it was frowned upon in street hockey. Woke bullshit has gone too far. Man up. Act like a man. Men don't flop or dive (unless you're a sissy soccer player).

  9. the refs have no fucking clue this year. like zero smidge of a hint of a clue. mind bogglingly horrendous all year no matter what teams are involved in the particular game

  10. He took a stick to the chest and his lip is bleeding? He probably bit it and is pissed his self harm didn't get them a power play. San Jose should of traded him, he's currently -8 in his plus/minus lol

  11. Maybe start going after these refs with hits and they might change? they can afford the small fine

  12. I wish jaketheasshole would do videos on how rigged the NBA and the nhl are also. He does pretty good work on the NFL

  13. The refs should be fined like players and coaches and Gary betmen can go suck on a double dong dildo Gary betmen is a piece of shyyyyyt GOOOOOOF and if anyone don't like go fawk your selfs

  14. The league won’t do anything because they have an animus towards the Sharks. On a side note, I got hit by a Karlsson slap shot. Now I need him to autograph the puck. That ain’t happening.

  15. The NHL has become too fast for on ice officials.. they need to get a captain or someone that watches cameras and can immediately supercede the calls of on ice officials.. calling to Toronto HQ and letting them make the call is not good enough.

    But then again… the NHL hasn't been about hockey for a long time now.. it's been all about the money and it shows in how reluctant the NHL is to invest actual money in the integrity of their product.
    They would rather just whine about the ridiculously small cap and take all their lost revenue out of the players via escrow, who only have a small window of time to make a few million while the owners get fat on billions.
    The NHL is a joke and if you really care about the integrity of hockey then boycott it.
    I'm not saying miss any games.. just stop giving them your money.

  16. The refs are betting on the games.Hockey ain’t like the old days there was a little respect somebody did that somebody to be laying on their ass there be somebody jumping in there.That’s what you got Ron McLean and all them other boys are nothing like good old done cherry.Now it’s gone woke don’t even bother watching it anymore.

  17. So wait? Why did Karlsson even get the original penalty? Because he left the ice? it doesnt show him saying anything to the ref.

  18. No apologies necessary Erik. There are times when it’s ok to lose your cool.

  19. Hey, hockey karma! I like Karlson, but he got away with a huge missed call earlier in the game. Blatant cheap shot slew-foot on Toews in a corner. Please post that highlight. The Gods giveth, the Gods taketh away. At least he got me miss the rest of the @$$ kicking.

  20. Well, Karlson should not feel sorry at all for losing his cool. We all know a few usual suspects of refs in the league, some manhood issue.

  21. The officiating has been at such an all time low that fans need to start to petition the league to make some changes. Get some guys in that want to do the job properly and stop with the game management.

  22. As an avs fan, yeah, that's pretty clear. I was at the game and didn't see it live, saw the replay. Obviously I'd be the first to say Newhook wasn't deliberately high sticking but beyond that it shoulda been called. They weren't gonna win anyway but that's a little much

  23. Well when the refs hold absolutely no responsibility for there shit calls this is gonna happen. Refs should be available to media, and have some sorta process when they completely fuck a game cause of there calls

  24. In the leafs/devils game yesterday they went to a review to give a 4 min penalty to a leaf player after a missed high sticking call but saw the blood and checked it out and changed the decision, why did that not happen here?? Another example of nobody knowing the rules!!

  25. Not a fan of the Sharks. Even though their fan base holds a place in my heart. I am however, a fan of hockey. This is lower than bush league.

  26. Last night same thing happened at the leafs game but it was reviewed after the play was blown dead and NJ was given a 4 minute power play. Thanks Karlson 🙂

  27. Karlsson seems like such a likable dude. "First 10 minute misconduct in his 14 year career" tells you everything

  28. * THE NHL BLOOWS!!!!!!* They are more worried about pandering to diversity and inclusion than the product on the ice. That's why the NHL has dropped to FIFTH in ratings for team sports in North America and the ratings will keep falling. The WNBA will be passing them any day now. I don't watch a fraction of the games I use to and I've been watching the NHL since the 60s. Bettman that POS thinks he has us in his pocket? THINK TWICE!! Cable is going as soon as the weather breaks and I can install a digital antenna on the roof. Hockey was the only reason I had it and now there is no longer a reason. Plus, I can find the games online in HD for FREE if I want to be bothered!!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

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