@Coyotes de l'Arizona

Images de la caméra corporelle de Bruins Brawl

Images de la caméra corporelle de Bruins Brawl



  1. DangerRanger_21

    Daaanggg… bit the guys fuckin finger off? How bad do you have to be getting fed to decide to bite a guys finger off…. Anyone have a video of the actual fight on here?

  2. captain_catman_

    Standard trash ass Boston fans

  3. marinerpunk

    Dude got his finger bit off and the pig cop couldn’t think of anything better to do but out handcuffs on him.

  4. Sammydaws97

    I thought I was reading satire there. Wtf people..

  5. Kal-El_Skywalker1998

    Boston fans have zero class.

  6. Commercial-Ad1242

    Chris was an old neighbor of mine growing up. Super cool guy and down to earth.

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