@Rangers de New York

Discussion d’après-match : Rangers de New York contre Canadiens de Montréal – 09 mars 2023

[Recap/Boxscore](https://www.nhl.com/gamecenter/2022021028) ###Boxscore |Équipes|1er|2e|3e|OT|SO|Total| |:–:|:–:|:–:|:–:|:–:|:–:|:–:| |[](/r/rangers)|1|2|0|0|1|4| |[](/r/habs)|2|1|0|0|0|3| ###Statistiques de l’équipe |Équipe|Tirs|Coups|Bloqués|Victoires FO|Giveaways|À emporter|Power Plays| |:–:|:–:|:–:|:–:|:–:|:–:|:–:|:–:| |[](/r/rangers)|33|19|24|53,7 %|17|11|2/4| |[](/r/habs)|26|19|14|46,3 %|26|6|0/3| ###Résumé des objectifs |Période|Temps|Équipe|Force|Description| |:–:|:–:|:–:|:–:|:–:| |1er|00:35|[](/r/habs)|Pair|[Kaiden Guhle (4) Batted, assists: Denis Gurianov (8), Rem Pitlick (5)](https://hlslive-wsczoominwestus.med.nhl.com/editor/ebcc9c8b-3312-4b67-afe5-248a9fbf56f3.mp4). |1er|03:16|[](/r/rangers)|Power Play|[Alexis Lafrenière (14) Wrist Shot, assists: Adam Fox (48), Artemi Panarin (51)](https://hlslive-wsczoominwestus.med.nhl.com/editor/327edd03-e0d8-422c-ae11-f84e9394c1fa.mp4). |1er|17:02|[](/r/habs)|Pair|[Alex Belzile (4) Wrist Shot, assists: Kaiden Guhle (13), Chris Wideman (5)](https://hlslive-wsczoominwestus.med.nhl.com/editor/90ab0d20-9adb-43ec-9d1f-f4a24b099480.mp4)| |2ème|00:48|[](/r/rangers)|Pair|[Jacob Trouba (6) Wrist Shot, assists: Artemi Panarin (52), Patrick Kane (30)](https://hlslive-wsczoominwestus.med.nhl.com/editor/55a891f1-ecdd-4bec-a1e3-c13917ab9c7f.mp4)| |2ème|13:20|[](/ r / habs) | Short Handed |[Josh Anderson (19) Snap Shot, assists: Chris Tierney (4)](https://hlslive-wsczoominwestus.med.nhl.com/editor/e6749a6b-faf0-4121-a27f-76202838d14e.mp4)| |2ème|14:31|[](/r/rangers)|Power Play|[Patrick Kane (17) Wrist Shot, assists: Jacob Trouba (16), Artemi Panarin (53)](https://hlslive-wsczoominwestus.med.nhl.com/editor/a0d794ff-0da3-4732-b1e8-0b9cf73f50fd.mp4)| |SO|00:00|[](/r/rangers)|—|Mika Zibanejad – Tir du poignet| ###Récapitulatif des pénalités |Période|Temps|Équipe|Type|Min|Description| |:–:|:–:|:-:|:–:|:–:|:–:| |1er|02:53|[](/r/habs)|Minor|2|Kaiden Guhle Slashing contre Jimmy Vesey| |1er|11:12|[](/r/habs)|Bench Minor|2|Trop d’hommes/glace servis par Rem Pitlick| |2ème|12:59|[](/r/habs)|Mineur|2|Anthony Richard Tripping contre Jimmy Vesey| |2ème|16:33|[](/r/habs)|Mineur|2|Rem Pitlick Delaying Game – Puck over glass| |2ème|17:53|[](/r/rangers)|Mineur|2|Alexis Lafrenière Hooking contre Rafael Harvey-Pinard| |3|15:25|[](/r/rangers)|Minor|2|Patrick Kane Slashing contre Johnathan Kovacevic| |OT|03:33|[](/r/rangers)|Mineur|2|Adam Fox Holding contre Nick Suzuki|



  1. darkgrayallalone

    The Sabres gave up 10 goals tonight 😳

    Not sure what this means for Saturday. I feel like they’ll probably be extra motivated.

  2. yeyeman9

    I didn’t realize Kane went over to Igor after the giveaway that made it 3-2, love to see it

  3. JPmoneyman

    Dallas just beat Buffalo 10-4, so they’re going to be fired up for Saturday, no way they want to play 2 stinkers in a row.

  4. Lbot6000

    Miller is one of my favorite Boyz II Men but can anyone explain to me how he was playing like that in OT? I think Sam said he was on for over 2 minutes and the last 30 seconds he almost gave up goals twice. Is over two minutes really that uncommon?

  5. Large_Squirrel1446

    If it makes anyone feel better, the Habs forced a shootout with the Canes the other night too 😅

  6. Sjdillon10

    Fun little detail is that Laferniere has tied Barzal on goals scored

  7. Kaapo-Taco

    Last two wins come in OT against bottom feeder teams. Trying to stay positive but man this team need Lindgren back badly

  8. VT_Forever

    Glad to see this team not throw in the towel. Igor, Mika and Trouba all stepped up when they needed to, and Kane has seemingly found his rhythm.

    Hope they can keep this up against quality teams. Saturday won’t be easy, and they need to start racking up some wins in March.

  9. ColdYellowGatorade

    Anyone else get roller hockey vibes from this team? It’s just pure pandemonium on the defensive front. It’s just guys hanging by the blue line waiting for the puck to come back around. Its wide open hockey which is not good.

  10. Envelopen

    Ugh a win is a win but damn we’re literally a super team damn this was a weird one

  11. Ch33zw4g0n

    Welp… this was a weird one. But a win is a win. Onto the next. 🍺🍺🥃🥃

  12. davegettlegod

    By the way the Sabres just gave up TEN, yes TEN fucking goals against Dallas, we better win that game by a wide margin on Saturday

  13. Academic-Value1876

    Lafreniere starting to look more and more like the guy we hoped for when we drafted him

  14. musicspren

    I thought Trouba played one hell of a game tonight.

  15. lionson76

    That Dallas game. 👀 Sabres gonna be piiissed for the next one.

    Went to see if our boy Nils got on the scoreboard and he was a healthy scratch… Whooops.

  16. EarthWonderful

    Appreciate the Igor redemption.

    That tiny pause before Kane celebrated his goal was awesome.

    Mika. Full stop.

    Saturday is going to be interesting. LGR

  17. obvioussponge06











    #RECORD: 36-19-9

    #POINTS: 81

    #STREAK: 1




    #>> [RANGERS WIN SONG](https://youtu.be/lPIiXE_TQ8w) <<

    #[VICTORY MEME!](https://imgur.com/a/oPqw8WK)

  18. ItsHeadbangerG

    I’ll take that win all day, but oof, that was not a great game to behold. Goofy ass mistakes, (granted Kane made up for his) constant passes either of the no-look to nobody variety, or the too scared to shoot ones. I beg this team. Let it rip. How the fuck did Trouba have the most shots on goal tonight?!

    Holy shit, Dallas absolutely dunked on the Sabres. That’s going to certainly light a fire under their asses for Saturday.

  19. didndndiiii

    Ugly at times but promising.

    Fox: I don’t mind giving up goals when fox turns it over bc you know it’s a rare occurrence. Shake it off

    Miller: so damn talented but he has to stop gambling so much. Makes a lot of poor decisions that cause odd man rushes and goals against.

    That being said the PP looked very dangerous and it’s obvious the shooting mentality was grilled into them. It makes them so much more dangerous. Panarin shooting five seconds into a PP has never happened. And the fact we can preserve 5v5 lines is also huge. It means shifts after PP aren’t wasted.

    It’s crazy Panarin is the all time leader in shootouts and didn’t shoot.

    Good to see Kaner get on board. Tarasenko looks like he’s trying to shoot more too. Kids looked solid.

    Overall we need to clean up sloppiness, but we’re gonna be alright and can score with anyone. Once lindy is back, Igor is back to god mode… anything can happen

  20. PikaPika24_7

    If we just don’t play games like we did in the 1st and more like we did in the 3rd then I’d have to see we’d probably look a lot better.

  21. PurplePenguin501

    I never ever wanna see Kane & Panarin together in OT again. Two defensive black holes on the ice in 3v3 hockey is a massive no

  22. Ketachloride

    they still rely too much on passing, and are too hesitant doing it. Several times it will be a 1 v1 break in the O zone and the puck handler will stop against the boards right across the line and wait for someone to catch up to pass to.

  23. adsason

    Positives: PP – both lines looked strong. Igor’s strong finish. trouba is looking really good lately. 2nd game in a row where he’s actually been shooting on net and goals happen when he does. Mika/Vlad feels like an explosion is coming. Kane on the board.

    Negatives: Igor started super shaky. Still not thrilled Mika is on the “1b” pp – he is a top 3 pp scorer in the league. We should have buried this Canadian squad but barely hung on. Feel like the team still needs to establish an identity

  24. fictionalreality08

    My Big boy Trouba making a statement tonight. :’)

  25. RangerDanger503

    Going to the Pitt game Sunday. I wonder who will be in goal…? kinda hoping Igor on Sat and Halak on Sunday. Igor doesn’t play amazing in Pittsburgh, and the Sabres have a lot of offense.

  26. Straight_Ratio3245

    Mika back to PP1. This is crazy

  27. josh_gund

    I feel like this season has been 4 seasons in one. From the strong star, to losing to everybody, Trouba playing injured era, Gallant with a moustache, to hitting the panic button and now we enter the Kane season.

    I thought we were fine today, made it a bit harder than it should have but jeez that has been so much of our season. Our ability to cock up soft goals after dominating the puck is incredibly frustrating.

    Hopefully the Kane goal will take the pressure off and he’ll be able to play without that pressure.

    Onwards and upwards onto Saturday.

  28. manhattansinks

    what a game. i didn’t know there were so many rangers fans in montreal, i gotta get out more.

  29. will122589

    These games are a glorified pre season for us as we are basically locked into third in the metro and now it’s about getting healthy and getting chemistry on all their lines.

    Two points is two points no matter how ugly lol

  30. Key-Tip-7521

    The first game in what seemed like forever w/ 12 forwards and 6 dmen, the Rangers pulled out what was a exciting and possibly a mentally exhausting game for us fans. Sacre Bleu! Before I get into my recap, this is gonna be in bold and in caps: **JUST BECAUSE THE RANGERS ARE PLAYING A TEAM LIKE THE HABS THAT ARE REBUILDING/NOT MAKING THE PLAYOFFS, DOESNT MEAN THEY(NYR) SHOULD EASILY BEAT THEM! THEIR A PROFESSIONAL NHL HOCKEY TEAM! IT’S SHOULDNT BE AN EASY WIN!**
    Now, onto the game. Tonight’s game defensively was oof in the first two periods. Too many odd man rushes. Can’t play like that against a team that’s fast and more skilled (hmm i wonder that team is). Igor looked bad the first two periods and in the third and OT, he was Igor.

    Both Power Play units looked really impressive. 1st, the kid from Saint Eustache, Alexis Lafreniere… « IT’S A Power Play Goal! » Another deflection in front goal. Love the way he’s been playing. The Yute Line could show some grittiness down the stretch and get a dirty goal. Oh and I called it that he was gonna score. Le Capitaine, Troubs w/a nice goal. That’s how a captain leads! Also picked up an apple too. 2nd, probably the USA’s best hockey player ever, scored his first goal and picked up his first apple a Ranger. Nice way to redeem yourself after turning the puck over. Patrick(MY NAME IS NOT RICK) Kane, « It’s A Power Play Goal! » Did this celly after he scored [https://media.tenor.com/Gjc3gBY-n2kAAAAC/patrickkane-showtime.gif](https://media.tenor.com/Gjc3gBY-n2kAAAAC/patrickkane-showtime.gif) w/this in my head ([https://youtu.be/YTcZ9THPX1E](https://youtu.be/YTcZ9THPX1E)) haha.

    Also shout out to Jimmy « ~~the sick individual,~~ the Born Survivor » for playing like a beast on the penalty kill. That I loved. And finally, on the 9th day of Mika March, Mika caps off the shootout win (Igor stopped the Habs attempt) with beautiful deke. Youppi or whatever the mascot’s name is, CANT COMPETE w/Mika Zibanecat. He may compete with that thing in Seattle or Philly(no not you TDA).

    Overall, despite defensively looking poor in the first two periods, the Rangers clamped it down and they won. A comeback win or more like a game that they never led in the game. The team showed some « on est ensemble » tonight. Like what I said, cant play like that defensively against better teams in the playoffs. Good job Turk on the power play units. More importantly, the Rangers got 2 points. They deserved them and desperately needed them in these final games. Onto to the Sabres. I know they gave up 10 goals, but that doesnt mean their gonna roll over. Plus, it’s in Patrick’s homecoming this year. He wants to put on a show in Buffalo. Good win! Onto the Sabres on Saturday. Rangers win; Allez, Allez, Allez! God Save the King. Back afta dis.

  31. Fox has to start playing defense. fuckin joke on the back end often and it’ll cost us come playoffs

  32. JPmoneyman

    Trouba played a monster game tonight.

  33. BasicLiftingService

    They needed the win and it was a fun game to watch, but it shouldn’t have been. I’ll keep the rest of my negativity to myself while the team figures itself out. Now’s the time to do it.

  34. bobo377

    Jimmy Vesey is on a league minimum contract for the next two years. I couldn’t be happier. What a great job during the penalty kill from him.

  35. SwagOD_FPS

    Really wanted to see Kane in the Shootout, but Kakko and Mika are awesome shooters as well.

  36. prettyfly4aRyguy

    Can someone explain to me Mika 1st star?

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