@Wild du Minnesota

Prières pour Kirill 🙏🙏🙏

Qu’est-il arrivé à Kiril ? Kirill Kaprizov (Кирил) prend un coup dévastateur lors du match de ce soir contre les Jets. Il va être examiné bientôt et nous prions pour de bonnes nouvelles. Prières pour Kiril 🙏🙏🙏


  1. This is such crap. you can tell how Stanley tried to do this and saying you lost your balance like he did is a joke. it was totally intentional to a player who was very prone. there is good clean checking and hockey is a tough sport but this was really obvious the intent

  2. Stanley is such a greasy piece of shit he needs something just as dirty done to him to humble him. This is unacceptable and he needs to be put in his place.

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