@Red Wings de Détroit

Un Allemand d’avant la Première Guerre mondiale portant un logo d’ailes rouges ?

Un Allemand d’avant la Première Guerre mondiale portant un logo d’ailes rouges ?



  1. 57Laxdad

    That indicates he was drafted by the wings and is playing in the minor leagues waiting for a call up.

  2. Flowsnice

    Adolf Schultz (who’s pictured here) was a huge red wings fan and idolized Ted Lindsay once referring him to the best non German human in history

  3. WoolyEarthMan

    Last time I looked into winged wheel iconography I think I got all the way back to ancient Egypt.

  4. McLargeHuge89

    Looks just slightly different. Neat though.

  5. VideoApprehensive

    Weren’t there neo nazis using that logo like ten years ago? I remember they had that and randomly the lions logo on signs. The wings had to issue a statement saying they don’t support white supremacists IIRC.

  6. Winger52

    I can’t tell if anyone is serious in this thread

  7. CabinSeason

    “This man, who maintained his role as a spy and supplied information that directly lead to Germany’s defeat, moved to the USA and became none other than one of the Red Wings greatest goalies… Hap Holmes. And now you know the rest of the story.”

  8. Spiritual-Avocado-33

    Idk why this looks like a child with a mustache to me.

  9. matt_minderbinder

    I’m fairly certain that this is a secret sign that an alien race of time travelers have worn. In their native language it means hope.

  10. Altruistic_Policy_74

    It’s weird that German babies grow mustaches

  11. chuckd94

    Looks like the sidebars great grandfather

  12. ArkanoidbrokemyAnkle

    Fuck we’re gonna have to change the logo now

  13. Guilty-Kiwi

    Seider’s great great grandpa Heimlich Seider. He was on the Luftwaffe line back in the day.

  14. Problemwoodchuck

    That’s a Reichsbahn (German national railroad) insignia, and the stars probably mean he was an officer. In the early 20th century Germany was militaristic enough that even their railroads were organized like a quasi-military.

    Edit: If it’s pre world war one, it would actually be the länderbahnen. The Reichsbahn was formed in the 1920s.

  15. APlaceYourMemoryOwns

    A Reichsbahn Insignia -1936 – Collar Tab Reichsbahn Cypher

    [The Deutsche Reichsbahn (German National Railway)](https://www.medalbook.com/germany-third-reich—organizations-6/german-railway-(reichsbahn)-72/insignia-3/uniform-insignia-2/collar-tabs-2/reichsbahn-1/general-government-pattern-4/reichsbahn-general-government-pattern-lower-ranks-collar-tabs-3)

    “In October of 1939, collar tabs for Railway personnel in the General Government (occupied Poland) were introduced.”

    [Reichsbahn Collar Tab Cypher](https://www.battlefrontcollectibles.com/catalog/51-world-war-ii/germany-ww2/insignia/1098-reichsbahn-collar-tab-cypher-70mm)

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