@Capitals de Washington

Un fan des Capitals de Washington touché par une rondelle

Tous les droits reviennent à la LNH. Je ne possède pas la musique et les images utilisées dans cette vidéo. À des fins de divertissement uniquement.


  1. “If she was taken out, the fan who was hit with an ambulance, he was gonna have to stop play”??🤣🤣🤣😭??

  2. Would they have taken this time out to look after a fan hit by the puck under ordinary circumstances. It's been firmly and consistently established that liability for safety lies with the fans.

  3. I got hit in the head by a puck when I was at an OHL game when I was 12. I blacked out twice, went to hospital and got stitched up. Still have the puck…and a scar.

  4. Idk if i am blind but i never saw the puck go over the glass, it just looked like it went threw it

  5. Why the need for a second ambulance? No clue what the guy said at the end there.

  6. A friend in High School was at a Pro game and got hit in the face by a PucK! It was bad, it nearly killed her. Broke her cheekbones well crushed it, broke her jaw, her eye socket, her teeth on that side. They ended up taking all her teeth. She was in the ICU fir what seemed like forever! It hit so fast No one at first realized it till they saw her just collapse forward to the floor! She was unconscious! They had to life flight her! If it had hit her higher on her face ie her forehead It would’ve likely killed her instantly! The way it hit She was bleeding inside not internally but most of the blood was going down her throat! Granted a lot was outside too!
    Gosh, I’ve not thought about that and her in decades! Just a really incredible freak accident! I sure hope this fan made a full recovery! He sure has a story to tell!

  7. wow even in hockey, one of the most violent sports, officials and players are stopping the game and getting help to someone injured as soon as possible… travis scott should take notes….

  8. 0:32 That guy on the left is openly crying. He must’ve been scared for the person who got hit.

  9. I recall
    A few years ago, when Kevin Fiala was still with Nashville…he had a wipeout and went straight and fast into the end board, leg extended. Scary sight…they got him medical attention quickly but since there was only one ambulance at the arena, and that one soon had him in it, they had to wait for another one to arrive before play could resume. It was a playoff game.

  10. Luckily it was only tossed up there! My daughter is such a hockey fan that she would hope it scarred if she were the one that was hit! She would also expect to keep the puck!

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