@Ligue nationale de hockey

YFW vous voyez le bug de score

YFW vous voyez le bug de score



  1. skruiss

    Absolutely hates losing. You can see it in his face when they do. More so than other star players imo.

  2. yemx0351

    Wish he could go to a team where he has a chance to win a cup.

  3. skumps814

    Why does SN show him on the bench after every single goal the other team scores lol

  4. Substantial_Rip_9311

    I love when they’d showed him. He looked upset that every teammate wasn’t as good as him.

  5. stephenlipic

    The Leafs’ highlight package on NHL.com kept showing McDavid’s reaction to every goal after a certain point.

    Subtle trolling by whoever was doing the editing.

    And probably also whoever ran the feed for the game.

  6. Few-Discussion4521

    Evander Kane gambling and making bets again

  7. Rowdy_Roddy96

    Mcdavid to LA. I’ve been calling this for years. Gretzky trade 2.0

  8. Beginning-Ad2349

    Dead eyes McD. Cheer up Connor u play a kids game and make millions.

  9. Dadittude182

    So… essentially it was Connor McDavid 3 and the Toronto Maple Leafs 6?

  10. hermitcrone

    i feel so bad for him. im a leafs fan but it sure would be fun to see what he could do on a team that’s clicking

  11. Adjusted for era McDavid is having some of the best years in the history of the NHL. Wasting them is a disgrace.

  12. T-MinusGiraffe

    Clearly the Oilers are concentrating too much on defense and need to put more energy into scoring more goals

  13. COLLABRate1

    Okay Reddit…I really, really can’t keep up with all the shortened versions and meanings for words. Now what in the heck is YFW?

  14. Rescue-320

    He needs to be placed on a team with great defence so that it can compliment his purely offensive skills. The guy is insane at scoring the goals, but the defensive side of this team is so lacklustre

  15. Hawksfan45

    I want to see Edmonton go far in playoffs. Though they need to improve their defense and get really solid goaltender.

  16. Rycan420

    Connor McDavid. Edmonton Skips legend.

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