@Coyotes de l'Arizona

Plus de points signifie plus de mèmes. Au moins Kells est une bête, et la magie Mullet est réelle

Plus de points signifie plus de mèmes. Au moins Kells est une bête, et la magie Mullet est réelle



  1. CoyotesAreOkay

    7-3 at the Mullett in OT, unbelievable lmao

  2. CHONK_22

    iTs a CoLleGe ArEnA

    Even though we don’t want to win, seeing all of the butt hurt comments from hockey traditionalists will never get old

  3. YotesFan6

    Does mullet magic work on lotteries too

  4. justincase19

    I totally get we should be deep in a tank (that does not gurantee bedard) but I’ve been having a blast watching the coyotes the last couple months! Keller has really brought back having a favorite Coyote for me whereas before I was kinda in limbo (since Doan)

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