@Blues de Saint-Louis

Les St Louis Blues contre les Rangers de New York affrontent Don Koharski

steve durbano contre nick fotiu dans une bagarre de dégagement de banc, à la fin, alors que don koharski retire steve durbano de la glace, durbano lunes Madison Square Gardens ….. des années classiques avant Randy Moss chez les fans de Packer


  1. @suburbanindie Who cares about american fans? Americans will never give a shit about hockey so why change the sport to try and make the few fans in the US happy?

    Most Canadians like tough, intense, old time hockey with lots of goals, hits and fights. The NHL should be trying to please them, not the fairweather American fans.

  2. @hockey2917 Nothing makes me a more important fan, but the fact of the matter is there are far more fans in Canada than there are in America. The NHL should be catering to their core fanbase.

    BTW You should probably learn to spell "embarrassment" before you call anybody else a dumbass.

  3. It never caught on because it's a sport that you can't call your own (American) and plus I've spoken to a lot of Americans who say that it's too fast to follow what's going on. Sorry we can't slow it down to the pace of baseball.

  4. I love it how it wasn't a "real brawl" until they started fighting under the stands.

  5. @clebo99 Do you mean the Blues/Atlanta game? If so, I am almost certain no video of that exists, unfortunately. I just remember watching it on TV on a Friday night circa 1973. One Sunday afternoon at Philly Spectrum, Durbano fought Dave Schultz in the first period, then in the 3rd period the Flyers trainer was yapping at him so Durby speared him in the mouth and sliced his lip open. Bob Kelly jumped off the Flyer bench and pounded Durby into the ice. No video that I know of of that either.

  6. Durbano was nuts. He "retired" & came back to my home town in Ontario & created quite a stir in the bars. He'd get into all kinds of scraps there too. He finally settled down up north & found peace before passing away. He was fearless & people who knock don't understand that he did what he had to do to make it in the big leagues. From the time he was a peewee the coaches were the ones who told him he had to fight to make it & he did just what he was told.

  7. If you don't like this kind of hockey then why are you watching? You seem pretty stupid to be watching something you hate.

  8. I was there, just a above the exit sign, this was actually the third time they gone at that night. The two other fights, they were throwing 'em pretty good.

    took 'em about 20 minutes to get everybody back on the benches and another 10 to sort out all the penalties. they were playing three on three for about 1/2 period after that (back in the day before coincidental minors)

  9. I worked in a major steel factory in Welland Ontario for many years. After sweating it out for 8 hours a day slugging 2100 degree bars, we would often go to a nearby bar after work. Quite often, Durbano would be in there. This guy was absolutely fkng bonkers. Granted, he had the skills to get him to the major leagues, but he definitely had a MAJOR screw loose.

  10. I love how the announcer says "St. Louie Blues" as they're going off the ice…

  11. I don't know any of these names here but if both guys want to fight why don't they just let them. It seems this whole thing could have been avoided if just the 2 wanting fighters got there chance.

  12. Remember this game like it was yesterday.

    Watched the St.Louis Broadcast with Dan Kelly and Gus Kyle

    Game went on for 4 hours. Rangers were getting man handled by the Blues.

    Durbano did not play much after this game and was released.

  13. As of this comment Brian Burke Doug McClean and Jeff Merek where talking about this brawl on hockey central afternoon.

  14. As tough as Fotiu was he should have been suspended for a bunch of games for his swing at the linesman…dont care how tough he is swinging at an official is way out of bounds and classless

  15. HAHAHAHA "I saw Duguay run down the aisle to make sure Fotiu was ok; like the sight of Duguay coming down the aisle/hallway would scare anyone, lol especially Durbano.

  16. Back then Marv Albert was doing the sports reports for WNBC-TV 4 in New York and after Durbano's moonshot replay Marv called him "A sick, sick man." And he was right.

  17. Box Score – Feb. 21, 1979 – St.Louis Blues 3 @ New York Rangers 7

    First Period

    1 – NYR : Maloney Do 2 (Vadnais, Murdoch) (EV) 4:38

    2 – STL : Sutter 28 (Federko, Brownschidle) (EV) 5:21

    Penalties – STL – Zuke 15:50 ; STL – Giroux 18:19 ; NYR – Esposito 18:47 ;

    Second Period

    3 – STL : Sutter 29 (Durbano, Federko) (EV) 11:05

    4 – NYR : Mcewen 15 (Plante) (EV) 13:19

    Penalties – NYR – Maloney Do ( (maj)) 15:14 ; STL – Durbano ( (maj)) 15:14 ; NYR – Plante 18:56 ;

    Third Period

    5 – NYR : Marois 4 (Esposito, Murdoch) (EV) 6:31

    6 – STL : Sutter 30 (Federko, Brownschidle) (PP) 7:26

    7 – NYR : Maloney Da 8 (Farrish, Duguay) (EV) 9:04

    8 – NYR : Vadnais 8 (Nilsson) (PP) 9:29

    9 – NYR : Esposito 31 (Marois) (PP) 10:39

    10 – NYR : Talafous 10 (Maloney Da, Duguay) (EV) 19:08

    Penalties – STL – Unger 1:15 ; NYR – Fotiu 6:51 ; NYR – Davidson 7:26 ; NYR – Fotiu 7:26 ; NYR – Fotiu (Misconduct (10 min)) 7:26 ; NYR – Fotiu (Game Misconduct) 7:26 ; STL – Durbano (Match – attempt to injure) 7:26 ; STL – Durbano (Game Misconduct) 7:26 ; STL – Durbano (Game Misconduct) 7:26 ; STL – Staniowski 7:26 ; NYR – Bench 12:02 ; NYR – Vadnais ( (maj)) 13:18 ; STL – Sutter ( (maj)) 13:18 ;

    Shots On Goal

    1 2 3 T

    St.Louis Blues 4 11 4 19

    New York Rangers 18 10 22 50


    Staniowski (STL) (L) 43 saves on 50 shots – 60:00 mins

    Davidson (NYR) (W) 16 saves on 19 shots – 60:00 mins

    Attendance – 17,411

  18. Jim Gordan and Bill Chadwick, their commentary was very memerable, especially when they went up against the Islander dynasty.

  19. The Blues tied the game 3-3 and then after this the Rangers exploded with four goals in a 7-3 win.

  20. I slowed it down, Chadwick is right. Nick walks into a right but then throws and lands a big left and dominated after that. Durbano was lucky that everyone jumped in. They then almost fought under the stands in the hallway and a steel door was installed to prevent a future fight in the hallway. Fotiu then was ragdolling the linesman behind the curtain before JD and Espo stepped in.

  21. I love these old brawls where everyone's paired up holding each other's jerseys waiting to see if they're gonna go or not.

  22. Durbano said Fotiu was in the penalty box when Sutter scored his third goal. Blues players came off the ice to congratulate Sutter's hat trick. Durbano was the last player off the bench and Fotiu was coming from the penalty box and tried to punch Durbano (who had a fight earlier in the game with Maloney).

    Durbano said he swung his stick and hit Fotiu on the shoulder because he didn't want any part of fighting him. He said things calmed down and he started going to the penalty box but the ref called him to center ice and told him he was being ejected for a match penalty for attempt to injure. Durbano started heading off to the dressing room but said since he was ejected already he might as well basically get his money's worth and that's when he charged Fotiu.

    Said he landed a pretty good shot on Nicky but didn't knock him down. Then held on for dear life thinking, what have I gotten myself into. He was leaving the ice and said the fans were cussing and throwing stuff at him so he mooned them.

  23. Hard to believe Durbano was a first round draft pick of the Rangers who let him go when they could have used him against the Flyers in years to come and him and Nicky would have been teamates.

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