@Golden Knights de Vegas

L’Occident devrait-il s’inquiéter pour Jonathan Quick et les Golden Knights ? | SDP

Steve, Jesse et Adam discutent de la résurgence de Jonathan Quick avec Vegas et s’il peut ou non les mener à travers les séries éliminatoires. Visitez https://sdpn.ca pour les produits dérivés et plus encore. Toute opinion exprimée n’est pas un conseil, une promesse ou une suggestion qui augmente les chances de gagner. Le jeu peut créer une dépendance, veuillez jouer de manière responsable. Pour en savoir plus, visitez : https://help.sportsinteraction.com/hc/en-us/articles/216779528-Responsible-Gaming-Self-Limitation-Self-Exclusion Ou si vous avez des inquiétudes concernant un problème de jeu, appelez ConnexOntario 1 -866-531-2600. Ontario seulement. Doit avoir 19 ans ou plus pour jouer. Visitez les commanditaires de cet épisode : https://sportsinteraction.com/sdpn Contactez https://www.sdpn.ca/sales pour entrer en contact avec notre équipe de vente et discuter de l’opportunité d’intégrer votre marque dans notre contenu !


  1. I watched Quick play for the Reading Royals back in the day, from the ECHL to his Cups I've been rooting for him the whole way, glad he's back!

  2. You talk about how Quick played this season as a king, but yet you didn't talk about how terrible our defense was at the start of the season, nor the goal support he received.

  3. That homosexual guy on the right seems to have a grudge against Quick for some reason. Is he a closet Kings fan or something?

  4. If the knights can brush up their horrific power play then I say yes they can be a scary team.

  5. I'm at the point whenever I bench a player in fantasy I just assume they're going to have a good game.

  6. i’m a kings fan and this all just confuses me. he has been terrible this year for the kings. at one point had lost 8 games in a row including a terrible loss to the crappy leafs

    and now he is on fire

    he has no plans on retiring

  7. LMAO no. Quick has been a garbage goaltender for years now. He is done. A hot streak means little to nothing when you consider years of subpar play. Fantastic career and a real hero for the Kings, but that was then and this is now.

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