@Flyers de Philadelphie

S’il te plait, petit Jésus…

S’il te plait, petit Jésus…



  1. I would cry with joy if they pry the team away from Comcast.

  2. zanothium

    Are you allowed to own 2 teams in the same league?

  3. 00uniqueusername009

    Foppa and Kimo in on buying the Flyers? Um… Yes please.

  4. Micksar

    They can keep their Ryan Reynolds… we have Angel from Buffy.

  5. Ok_Act5122

    Yoooo. Adelman is a huge player in the Philly real estate scene and the rumors have definitely been out there that HBSE (the ownership group of the Sixers/Devils) have been looking to make a run at the Flyers to bolster the Sixers arena and move them into Center City. Idk if it was Adelman, Harris, or someone else who made a comment about how they would love the Flyers to join the Sixers in the new arena so maybe the wheels are spinning

  6. bulkingnerd

    Met David at the NHL awards in Vegas like 10 years ago he was really cool.

  7. lilbismyfriend21

    If this happens the city better get ready to grease the pools

  8. TyperMcTyperson

    Those three guys don’t have money to buy the team from comcast. The other guy already owns an NHL team. This tweet doesn’t make sense unless that guy is gonna sell the Devils. I’d also guess that comcast doesn’t want to sell.

  9. FlyersTime

    That HBSE group David Adelman is apart of bought the 76ers in 2011 from Comcast. Looks like they’re trying to buy the Flyers now to bolster that center city arena idea they have.

  10. StillBurningInside

    I hope something happens as far as ownership. But I saw the NY Isles go through a hell period with ownership bullshit. Originally my team. I saw cup after cup and then… a slow spiral down the shit drain. Bad Trades, bad managers,. bad owners, bad coaches, good players just leaving due to all that bullshit.

    It’s killing me watching the Flyers go through the same crap. I just wanna see the team do something. But be prepared for the ups and downs. Frustrating in my lifetime to see the same shit for my two favorite teams.

  11. roguefiftyone

    Fun fact that Dave Boreanaz is the son of the former Channel 6 weatherman Dave Roberts

  12. DanTreview

    I saw « Peter Forsberg » and popped a raging boner the likes of which science is still trying to figure out how to measure

  13. ohokayiguess1

    Are we missing the part we’re they’re with the co-owner of the devils?

  14. Touro_de_Goa

    That would be nice, seems like a young ambitious group of people.

    On that note how come Kimmo doesn’t have a role in the Flyers organization?

  15. This means nothing imo. If Comcast proceeds to forcefully retire the bullies from front office roles, as it seems they will this off-season, then Comcast is fine. They spend a shit ton of money on the team, which is what you want from an owner. Now if they can get the right people in place to decide how to spend it then we’re talking. I know people are past the point of considering Comcast as good owners but I don’t think we’re there yet. Snider gave the team over to them, it’s what he wanted.

  16. friedlich_krieger

    For the love of God… PLEASE.

    Foppa + Kimmo in a group buying the team is my dream scenario. Love both of those guys. Just seeing Forsberg gets my hyped! Please, Comcast, just do us this one solid and sell the team and I will forgive you of your sins.

  17. Give-emATugnutt

    So us Sens Fans get Deadpool, and the best you can do is a vampire named Angel?

  18. magmar17

    Jim Gardner retires and Dave Roberts son buys the Flyers. What a time to be alive

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