@Canadiens de Montréal

Canadiens @ Panthers 3/16 | Faits saillants de la LNH 2023

Faits saillants prolongés des Canadiens de Montréal aux Panthers de la Floride


  1. 9 -5 Panthers. What a defensive effort by the HABS! (Having Another Bad Season)

  2. I came here as a Bruins/Ranger fan (gotta watch the highlights of a 13+ goal game!) and was struck by how many empty seats there are – is that typical? If so I'm so jealous of what the ticket prices must be. It almost costs as much as 1 month rent to buy 1 ticket to a Bruin's game this year.

  3. Wouldn’t be fun being there hoping for a win, only to lose 9-5. Oh well. Defence were not very good tonight.

  4. Is it funny that savard is a minus again & he is the number 1 defenseman on the penalty kill ( in which the habs r last in the nhl ) & it doesn't count against the plus/minus? What the f is st louis doing with this clydesdale? He also plays in the overtimes!!!!!! Im sick of watching him play !!!! Anyone else out there sick of him??? Y doesn't st louie put him in net ?? Thats all he does is lay on the ice & try to block shots!!!

  5. 05:39 Was that a mangled Mike Lange reference? Homage? Mike Lange used to say, "[insert goalie] doesn't know whether to cry or wind his watch."

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