@Golden Knights de Vegas

Votre résumé hebdomadaire de /r/goldenknights pour la semaine du 08 mars au 14 mars

**Mercredi 08 mars – mardi 14 mars** ###Top vidéos | score | commentaires | titre & lien | |–|–|–| | 182 | [4 comments](/r/goldenknights/comments/11lxiaf/blue_man_group_caught_on_kiss_cam_still_one_of/) | [Blue Man Group caught on kiss cam – still one of our favorite moments at a game!](https://v.redd.it/a0lcrqsbxima1)| | 30 | [2 comments](/r/goldenknights/comments/11pw3zz/dorofeyev_scoring_scott_sterling_style/) | `[Highlights]` [Dorofeyev scoring, Scott Sterling style](https://hlslive-wsczoominwestus.med.nhl.com/editor/df23ad71-59cc-4a16-b2ba-789999b49bb9.mp4)| | 11 | [1 comments](/r/goldenknights/comments/11p7d2j/smith_burns_burns/) | [Smith burns Burns](https://hlslive-wsczoominwestus.med.nhl.com/editor/12424526-dd29-467e-8bd5-a78c411a5791.mp4)| | 9 | [0 comments](/r/goldenknights/comments/11p4jqm/recap_vgk_car/) | [Recap: VGK @ CAR](https://hlslive-wsczoominwestus.med.nhl.com/publish/9936783/16463522/955e7ead-6660-49f5-bf1b-2ec878ce858e.mp4)| | 9 | [0 comments](/r/goldenknights/commentaires/11pwt7m/recap_vgk_stl/) | [Recap: VGK @ STL](https://hlslive-wsczoominwestus.med.nhl.com/publish/9970259/16529819/862af8d7-351a-4216-a6d6-b5d7c025127b.mp4)| | 8 | [2 comments](/r/goldenknights/comments/11nd8p6/recap_vgk_tbl/) | [Recap: VGK @ TBL](https://hlslive-wsczoominwestus.med.nhl.com/publish/9874328/16297375/192b4929-ac4f-4cc4-8dbb-38af72b3ccb1.mp4) | | 8 | [1 comments](/r/goldenknights/comments/11rik3k/recap_vgk_phi/) | [Recap: VGK @ PHI](https://hlslive-wsczoominwestus.med.nhl.com/publish/10001811/16589106/68930db1-fa39-4c96-acaf-aa074edc5ca2.mp4)|   ###Top Non-Shitposts | score | commentaires | titre & lien | |–|–|–| | 139 | [72 comments](/r/goldenknights/comments/11p2yup/pgt_our_first_shoutout_since_october/) | `[Game Thread]` PGT : NOTRE PREMIER SHUTOUT DEPUIS OCTOBRE !!!!| | 117 | [13 comments](/r/goldenknights/comments/11mjp8w/my_newest_project_legovgk_mashup/) | [My newest project. Lego/VGK mashup.](https://i.redd.it/hb68vu2fwoma1.jpg)| | 115 | [11 comments](/r/goldenknights/comments/11p38v7/after_the_game_a_sad_canes_fan_wanted_to_get_rid/) | `[Post Game]` [After the game a sad Canes fan wanted to get rid of this. I helped him out.](https://i.redd.it/ooxtztajk9na1.jpg)| | 105 | [10 comments](/r/goldenknights/comments/11p3aje/naturalstattrick_jonathan_quick_in_his_first_3/) | `[Stats/Rankings]` [NaturalStatTrick] Jonathan Quick lors de ses 3 premiers matchs en tant que Golden Knight : 3-0-0 WL, .939 SV%, 1.97 GAA, 4.32 Goals Saved Above Expected.| | 90 | [94 comments](/r/goldenknights/comments/11ncje3/pgt_what_a_game/) | PGT : quel jeu | | 81 | [3 comments](/r/goldenknights/comments/11pkzgw/managed_to_snag_a_karlsson_rr_at_sportstown/) | `[Armor Up]` [Managed to snag a Karlsson RR at Sportstown](https://i.imgur.com/eJONdZZ.jpg)| | 80 | [62 comments](/r/goldenknights/commentaires/11pwdrb/pgt_win_vs_st_louis/) | PGT : VICTOIRE VS ST LOUIS | | 68 | [12 comments](/r/goldenknights/comments/11pj8ur/wake_up_knights_our_road_trip_continues_with_the/) | `[Battle Prep]` RÉVEILLEZ-VOUS LES CHEVALIERS ! NOTRE ROAD TRIP CONTINUE AVEC LA DEUXIÈME ÉTAPE DE NOTRE BACK-TO-BACK ! APRÈS AVOIR FERMÉ LES OURAGANS, C’EST À ST. LOUIS LANCERA DE NOUVEAUX TALENTS SUR LE NET ! ALLEZ LES CHEVALIERS ALLEZ !| | 66 | [11 comments](/r/goldenknights/comments/11p8tz9/paul_cotter_mom_and_dad_celebrating_their_sons/) | [Paul Cotter mom and dad celebrating their sons goal!](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTR78TU6p/)| | 65 | [23 comments](/r/goldenknights/comments/11qx6vi/i_wanna_say_thank_you/) | Je veux dire merci |   ###Meilleurs messages de merde | score | commentaires | titre & lien | |–|–|–| | 60 | [1 comments](/r/goldenknights/comments/11q64mk/w/) | `[Shitpost]` [W.](https://i.redd.it/hpxy6swszina1.jpg)| | 43 | [1 comments](/r/goldenknights/comments/11rgrjo/meant_to_post_this_earlier_when_he_scored/) | `[Shitpost]` [Meant to post this earlier when he scored…](https://i.redd.it/8ehhu2znduna1.jpg)| | 32 | [2 comments](/r/goldenknights/comments/11nbo6q/wild_bill_after_the_shorty/) | `[Shitpost]` [Wild Bill after the shorty.](https://imgur.com/mIZ0nGF)| | 24 | [0 comments](/r/goldenknights/comments/11nepfl/victor_e_is_ours/) | `[Shitpost]` [Victor E. is Ours.](https://i.redd.it/q9egj7qbsvma1.jpg)| | 3 | [20 comments](/r/goldenknights/comments/11q0sml/who_would_make_it_on_the_current_vgk_mt_rushmore/) | `[Shitpost]` Qui réussirait sur l’actuel VGK Mt. Rushmore ?|  


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  1. subredditsummarybot

    If you would like this roundup sent to your reddit inbox every week [send me a message with the subject ‘goldenknights’](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=subredditsummarybot&subject=goldenknights&message=x). Or if you want a daily roundup, [use the subject ‘goldenknights daily’](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=subredditsummarybot&subject=goldenknights%20daily&message=x). Or send me a chat with either goldenknights or goldenknights daily.

    ####Please let me know if you have suggestions to make this roundup better for /r/goldenknights or if there are other subreddits that you think I should post in. I can search for posts based off keywords in the title, URL and flair. And I can also find the top comments overall or in specific threads.

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