@Blues de Saint-Louis

C’est presque devenu moche de la meilleure façon

Les officiels de la LNH lors du match Minnesota Wild vs St Louis Blues viennent de nous priver de ce qui aurait été l’un des moments les plus emblématiques de l’année avec une bagarre entre Marc-André Fleury et Jordan Binnington. Cela aurait été absolument incroyable mais malheureusement les arbitres avaient d’autres idées. Je couvre cela et une ventilation du jeu lui-même dans le récapitulatif des faits saillants du hockey de la LNH d’aujourd’hui ! #nhl #hockey #highlights #minnesotawild #stlouisblues


  1. Correction Fleury obviously has 3 cups, not 2. I have watched all 3 more than once, so no idea how I got that mixed up but I think it may be too late to be doing a video right now haha. My bad!

  2. Dammit, I fell asleep and missed the latter 2 periods. Binnington is a crybaby and MAF is my hero.❣

  3. This has to be because of the helmets coming off.
    The NHL requires refs to break up the fight when the helmets come off. Players cannot take off their helmets.

  4. Minnesota is a joke and will accomplish nothing. Wild looking to showboat isn't the right move when you've accomplished nothing in 3 decades.

  5. I was at this game. I'm a Blues fan. We were absolutely pissed they didn't let the fight happen. People act like Blues fans should be critical of Binnington here, but I don't see why. We had a packed arena and Binnington clearly couldn't stop a nose bleed. So when he got pissed off and started fighting it made the Blues fans feel thrilled that if we were going to lose the game, we will at least kick your ass before we lose the game. Binnington raising his arms up to get the crowd going was absolutely electric.

  6. Some goalies are just off the charts historic. We all want to see our awesome net minder score a goal but do we really want to see them fight the other goalie? This Vasilevskiy fan says no. He, ironically, seems a bit too meek but he is a big guy and he is a proud Russian so if any of you want to challenge him, I won't turn the channel.

  7. I dont think theres a bigger puunk than Binnington, bro starts fights knowing the refs and lines men will break it up cause hes a goalie dude needs to get his shit rocked and to learn his place is in the net actually stopping pucks.

  8. It's insane that the NHL is clearly desperate to boost viewership, yet the refs let an awesome moment like this fizzle out

  9. I see so many people getting mad at the refs for breaking it up but what people don't understand is how things actually work. Plenty of the time NHL officiating supervisors tell the refs to make sure shit gets broken up before it starts, and usually if they let a lot of these kinda fights happen they get reprimanded (especially when binnington already had this kind of reputation). It's like how the refs never make the decision when it goes to review, they are just there talking with the toronto head office guys who have the final say, yet the refs announce it and take all the blame.

  10. This would of been epic, damn that referee. At the end of the day he probably would of lost his job if he let this happen

  11. It's good to see the Wild are not losing momentum with Kaprizov out. Hopefully they keep winning and The Thrill will be back before the playoffs. It definitely is a shame that the refs didn't allow the goalie fight too. That would have been fun to see!

  12. Same thing happened with Copley and Gibson about a month ago. So stupid. And one of the ESPN commentators had the audacity to say during the kings ducks game that goalie fights aren’t good for the game. Disgraceful

  13. #29 is the best. Minnesota is lucky to have him. #29's teams never want to let him down. Pens have sucked ever since they didnt protect their number 1 draft pick. The only mistake #66 ever made was letting #29 go in the expansion. Although it did showcase Fleury as one of the NHLs top 5 to mind the net at that level. Pens should have gotten him back asap and the town should change Braddock to Fleury road.

  14. idc what anyone says i like binner and not every single play can be blamed on him he’s trying yes he lets some in and they are his fault but 80 percent of the time it’s the defense bro made 3 great saves and faulks just chillin there watching

  15. Would’ve been like potvin fighting hextall but refs are told to not allow fighting by the league. Hope the media is happy with theirselves

  16. As a Wild Fan and a goalie, MAF is one of my favorites. To have him sign with the Wild was a dream. Grant it, he isn't the same goalie he was with the Pens, but having a chance to meet him several times during the Bubble Season, this man is a gentleman, and a plain ole hockeynut. I don't know who would have won that scrum, but I would have loved to see Bye Bye Binnington get his butt creamed.

  17. Man I feel you reminiscing about when Fleury was a Penguin. Hasn't been the same since…

  18. Binnington is such a divisive player, his antics can be silly and at times what seems to be uncalled for but I can't lie that I enjoy watching it

  19. Can you explain me why the ref's didn't let this one go like when Foligno forced Perry to fight him just after The Tavares injury when he was clearly trying to dogge him so why they didn't let go of Bennington

  20. This Preds fan: Hartman?!!! WTF?!!! WHERE WAS THIS WHEN WE NEEDED IT??? Gave up a first for Gaustad and then Hartman…and got a 2nd for Nino….yeah…sure. I'll take those five picks for Jeannot. But damn… offense comes to NSH to die.

  21. I know a lot of people hate binnington but god damn is he a total blast to watch every game

  22. As a Blues fan, I understand what Binnington does. If they would have let them go, this would have been the highlight of the year.

  23. Binnington needs his clock cleaned. He is going off way too much. Darcy Tucker did the same thing. His Team mates told him to settle down.

  24. NHL Refs are the worst in all of pro sports. Why can't the goalies fight too? They use to. These refs are bad!!!

  25. This would have been the highlight of the year. Once again the officials ruin the moment. Total cock blocks.

  26. This is the analysis I need. 100% Pens bias. Enjoying your videos lately.

  27. he's out of the blue paint he moved out of the blue paint so he could get hit so he has an excuse to hit somebody with a stick and a blocker


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