@Lightning de Tampa Bay

Littéralement tremblant. Je ne savais pas que Manon allait être à la cérémonie HoF, et j’ai heureusement porté son maillot ce soir.

Littéralement tremblant. Je ne savais pas que Manon allait être à la cérémonie HoF, et j’ai heureusement porté son maillot ce soir.



  1. _____2020CupChamps

    That is awesome. So happy for you!

  2. Score!! That must’ve been super exciting!

  3. RaysBoltsBucs84

    This is fucking great!!!!!!!

  4. GJGentile

    Wow that’s cool, Coop in the background of pic two as well!

  5. Ok_Discount_9727

    Was that after everyone left?

  6. I still have the four sports classic card for her. It’s cool that they brought her back.

  7. humanist-misanthrope

    This is absolutely awesome and I’m super jealous. Congrats

  8. DustyBazongas

    I’m so happy for/jealous of you! That’s awesome!

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