@Wild du Minnesota

Quand le Trash Talking dans la LNH tourne terriblement mal.

#hockey #nhl #highlights Le gardien des Blues de St. Louis Jordan Binnington s’en prend à Ryan Hartman du Wild du Minnesota après un but, et Marc-André Fleury patine sur la glace pour laisser tomber les gants, mais le combat a été BRISÉ par les juges de lignes. Vraiment une tragédie pour les fans de hockey du monde entier. Nous décomposons le jeu, gazouillant votre adversaire et ce que cela pourrait signifier si les choses deviennent incontrôlables.


  1. 1:05 – I don't see a "little nudge". I see him knee/almost kick a player when he's already down/vulnerable on the ice while parading through the slot to celebrate. Then he damn near steps on his leg with a skate. You can hate Binner all you want, but that from Hartman was totally unsafe and completely avoidable on his part. You've seen skate injuries right? I'm not even defending Binner 100% here, but don't touch the goalie. Unwritten rule of hockey boys. Hartman deserved some knuckles in his face for it, and it's almost too bad Binner had to be the one to do it.

    Second point, Flower vs Binner in a scrap. Who wins? Dunno, but normally the guy with more fighting skill and/or fire in his veins. Gotta give it to Binner there.

  2. He's amazing! Yes, his job is to stop pucks but when goalies are not doing well, I think good ones inspire their team to score 7 when the other team has scored 6! Good job Bin! Bin Jordan lol

  3. Giving you a thumbs down because clearly you are either pro WIld or biased against the Blues. I would have more respect for you if your channel was named Wild Hockey fan because at least then you'd be honest

  4. Binnington is such a tool, and he's going to burn his career to the ground, no one will want to sign him once his contract expires.

  5. And you COMPLETELY MISSED the fact that MAF was mic'd up during all of that, too.

    And really, he didn't skate down to "fight," so much as to just pump up the crowd (listen to the MAF segment from the Wild).

    Either way, they're both kind of "hot head'ish" in situations … eject them both, and just get on with the game. LOL

  6. The clips you showed were out of sequence. Show things for what they are and don't rely on 2 second clips.

  7. First Copley and Gibson and now Flower and Bennington. Refs need to go bro

  8. Might want to get your fact right bud.
    There was no intension of hartsy to hit Bennington…it was binningrons fault the whole way.
    Blues play wild last week off the season here in St Paul.
    I expect fights.

  9. I wish Fluery would tune this moron. Binnington and his antics are just pathetic.

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