@Red Wings de Détroit

Steve Yzerman L’A FAIT ENCORE, Échange des Red Wings de Detroit !

Darren McCarty et Michael Gentry discutent des changements d’échéance des échanges des Red Wings de Detroit et de ce qu’ils pensent de ces deux mouvements. Aimez, abonnez-vous et laissez votre commentaire ci-dessous! #DetroitRedWings #NHL #WoodwardSports Regardez nos émissions en direct sur YouTube 7 jours sur 7 ! Spectacle du matin à Woodward | Lundi-vendredi 8h-10h Big D Energy | Lundi-vendredi 11h-13h Ermanni et Edwards | Lundi-vendredi 14h-16h Woodward Heavyweights | Du lundi au vendredi de 17h à 19h Suivez The Woodward Sports Network ! Twitter : https://twitter.com/woodwardsports TikTok : https://www.tiktok.com/@woodwardsports?lang=en Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/woodwardsports/ Facebook : https://www .facebook.com/WoodwardSports/ Téléchargez notre application pour Apple : https://apps.apple.com/us/app/wsn-live/id1553068845 Téléchargez notre application pour Android : https://play.google.com/store/ applications/détails?id=com.wsnlive.androidapp


  1. we had very little to no toughness when we had bertuzzi and now we dont, back to rebuild again and again and again and again

  2. Boston fans are getting a big chuckle out of the Bertuzzi deal. They just don't realize how injured he has been over the years. The back injury was enough to scare many into thinking his career was over.
    Good Luck

  3. The injury to Rasmussen kind of forced Steve’s hand.He knows they wouldn’t get deep into the playoffs, so he went with future plans.Hopefully Bert gets into the finals

  4. I don't want to be a troll but Yzerman is by far the most overrated GM in the NHL. Stop analysing everything he does like he is a god. Seven years without a playoff no GM in the league can have that latitude but his name is Yzerman so it's ok he's just patient…. The Vrana / Mantha deal was a steal. The nejelkovic deal was a steal too. Yeah right !! Yeah he is in a rebuild but think about the SIgning of Copp / Chiarot, the guy wanted to win this year. Sure things, Detroit the way they are going might be good soon or later, but for sure it will not be enough to win a cup. Even if in 2-3 years the teams get better, hey the team will have been in a rebuild for ten years. Think about it. Overrated guy.

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