@Blues de Saint-Louis

Est-ce juste sorti de nulle part ou y a-t-il / y a-t-il des problèmes de vestiaires ? Cela semble très spéculatif et une déclaration étrange à faire. Je sais que Chief et Thomas ont eu leurs commentaires mais c’est à peu près tout

Est-ce juste sorti de nulle part ou y a-t-il / y a-t-il des problèmes de vestiaires ? Cela semble très spéculatif et une déclaration étrange à faire. Je sais que Chief et Thomas ont eu leurs commentaires mais c’est à peu près tout



  1. Meatbank84

    I think unless you hear it from him directly or multiple players from the Blues at the same time, it’s all people making assumptions.

  2. STLBooze3

    Idk we’re not in the locker room. I feel any time teams play poorly the rumors of a toxic or divided locker room start to swirl

  3. MalkindeservestheC

    Giving O’Reilly the C after one (plus the COVID* year) year definitely couldn’t and shouldn’t have sat well with him. I appreciate Panarin being honest about not wanting the C because of the language barrier. But, if Tank wanted it I believe he should’ve gotten it after Petro.

  4. unaccomplished_idiot

    As with most things the truth is probably somewhere in the middle. Vladi was hurt by what he felt was subpar treatment by the medical staff during his string of shoulder injuries. He faced sudden criticism from fans for being fragile. Expressed disappointment and took offense to that on social media. Requested a trade a couple years ago accordingly.

    Doug has a history of being very stoic and emotionless—almost defiant—about loyalty to cornerstone players. He has not even given several free agents the courtesy of a phone call, leaving them flapping in the wind and forced to sign with other teams just to make sure they have a job.

    This vibe has seemed to lead to toxicity in the locker room. There was even a rumor that ROR told Army to deal with Kyrou and Thomas’s level of effort himself, since they got extended to LT contracts, and he and Vladi didn’t.

    So I think in Vova’s ideal world, none of that would’ve happened and he would’ve happily retired an all-time great Blue. But reality didn’t line up with that because of DA’s personality and style. So he took his opportunity to get out on a contending team with other elite players in a huge market.

  5. United_Foundation187

    Vladdy disgruntled about something? I don’t believe it that would never happen

  6. superballz977

    As far as I’m concerned who cares if he did or not. He’s gone. Just a past thought. Onwards and upwards. Next season will be a whole different story!!

  7. Active_Geologist4444

    What are these tweets? They both seem full of shit. Vladi quite clearly loved the city of St. Louis, he just had issues with DA/the medical staff. And then the reply saying « he felt like taking the offer from the Rangers was probably best because of things going on with the Blues » sounds like someone who A) had no idea Vladi had a well documented longstanding trade request going back two years and B) thinks Vladi is the GM.

  8. trotwood95

    I’ve always thought vlad was rather selfish

  9. TheDreamyAmerican

    Anyone who pays attention can see that there was toxicity at the leadership level of this org

  10. MrTuesdayNight1

    I see a couple know-nothings speculating.

    Some people want so desperately to get the attention of being in the know.

    It’s embarrassing to see.

  11. scrivensB

    If you see ANY comment/quote/screenshot/etc on ANY social media platform that can not be verified or is not commonly accepted knowledge/understanding you should at very least say to yourself, “I don’t need to input this ‘information’ into my brain, and I’m 100% not going to comment on it.”

  12. NotTheRocketman

    I don’t think Vlad ever had any problems with STL. He openly talked about loving the city, loving the fans, and how it actually reminded him of home back in Russia. So anyone saying otherwise is full of shit IMO.

    His relationship with the team is different of course.

    Personally, I think that Vlad wanted and expected to be traded either during or after last season. He was a professional during that whole ordeal; requested a trade ONE TIME, then never spoke about it again. He made his request known, and then put together a career year showing he was still a team player. To me, Vlad kept up his part of the deal. He showed that he was healthy and could play at a high level, which is what perspective suitors needed to see.

    I think Army did him dirty by keeping him for the final year of his contract. Yes, Vlad ultimately had no leverage, but keeping a player around when you know that they don’t want to be there is a recipe for disaster. I don’t know if Vlad played a role in what happened this year or not, but if there WERE issues in the locker room, I understand his frustration.

  13. MegaPhunkatron

    Earlier this season JR wrote something along the lines of « perhaps there is some resentment in the locker room » and everyone ran with it as gospel even though it was obviously speculative and sensationalized. Got to a point now where people repeat it enough that everyone forgets where it came from and it becomes the truth.

  14. radsherm

    Well, Berube is a players coach exclusively, and lost the room with his message. So it’s bad coaching combined with a one-note brickhead yelling at guys rather than focusing on adapting to the team.

    Telling you right now that when Berube gets fired next season, you will see Bruce Cassidy-esque reports about the lockerroom becoming way more relaxed.

    There is a reason he has only been hired from interim-to-head coach, never as a head coach. He’s a rah rah guy. That has a shelf life.

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