@Flyers de Philadelphie

[Flyers Nation] Marcus Hayes de l’Inquirer a rapporté aujourd’hui que Dave Scott n’avait pas consulté Bob Clarke, Paul Holmgren ou Bill Barber avant les événements de la semaine dernière. Tous les trois n’auraient pas approuvé le renvoi de Fletcher OU la promotion de Daniel Brière. Dave Scott le savait déjà donc il n’a pas demandé.

> Marcus Hayes du Philadelphia Inquirer a rapporté aujourd’hui que Dave Scott n’avait pas consulté Bob Clarke, Paul Holmgren ou Bill Barber avant les événements de la semaine dernière. > Tous les trois n’auraient pas approuvé le renvoi de Fletcher OU la promotion de Daniel Brière. >Dave Scott le savait déjà donc il n’a pas demandé. > Danny Brière était « toujours un intrus » bien qu’il ait suivi Chuck pendant l’année écoulée. > Tous les quatre n’ont pas commenté l’article. >(@inkstainedretch) https://twitter.com/flyersnation/status/1637137593216167936?s=46&t=etqv0eDeK-Y9i80wlprvkA



  1. Chriscftb97

    Least stupid Dave Scott decision

  2. sfxer001

    This is going to turn into a male soap opera so fast and I’m here for it.

  3. Solertia

    Rare Dave Scott W, but just further proof that the alumni have got to fucking go.

  4. EverybodyHits

    Which means they need to clear those three out of the building

    Enough of this

  5. Anthemz

    Is Dave Scott really the hero we didn’t know we needed??

  6. Andrewtreible

    Maybe they’re on their way out as well.

  7. OMcTaters

    Shows that the real problems still are within the organization.

  8. Am_History_Nerd_1787

    So Dave Scott finally does the bare minimum, got it.

    Nothing really changes until Scott himself gets fired/retires.

  9. LarryFineMD

    What did the Flyers/Scott get listening to them so far so he did the right thing.

  10. I like this. It also proves what I’ve been thinking all along in the Dave Scott and CF had the final say in most affairs. And that the advisors were just……advisors. They weren’t running the team. But excluding them from rebuilding is probably the right call, and very good stuff from DB saying it needs to be evaluated first.

    >When, early in his fifth season, with a burgeoning pipeline of prospects, they decided to fire Hextall, they hired Fletcher, an outsider, yes, but an old-school GM agreed upon by the Three Wise Men. A year later Fletcher replaced Holmgren as president when Holmgren moved on to his advisory role.

    Glad to see Marcus Hayes still sucks at writing hockey pieces. A « burgeoning pipeline » of prospects when Hextall was fired is laughable.

    >he hired Clarke and Holmgren favorite John Tortorella, which has been even less wise.

    Again, Torts is certainly polarizing, but the positives he brought out in guys like Travis Konecny, Owen Tippett, and Noah Cates shouldn’t be ignored. Also the fact that for the first few months of the season this team played WAY better than they actually were.

    >In between there have been innumerable bad trades and absurd contracts, all transacted with the old “win now” ethic falling from the lips of the Three Wise Men. Injury, to some degree, and ineptness, to a much larger degree, have kept the Flyers from winning.


    [Link to article](https://t.co/ROrujfsSGv)

  11. Nochtilus

    We always knew Clarke, Holmgren, and Barber have been making chucklehead moves for a while, but has Dave Scott been stopping or slowing them more than we realized? Was Dave Scott trying to do reasonable things all along?

  12. crafbicycle


    fucking Larry, Moe, and Curly asses. fuck

  13. Zach_Plum

    I have a feeling Daniel Hilferty is the one that made the call. He had been the CEO of Comcast Spectacor for less than a month when the firing happened. He’s a self-admitted Flyers fan.

  14. ProfessorDerp22

    “Briere was always an interloper” that’s refreshing to hear. Sounds like Briere had the dissenting opinion in the room when it came to some of Fletchers decisions.

  15. Most-Iron6838

    Probably those guys who had him get TDA, Risto, & Nick D

  16. Steppyjim

    Where are all the dinosaurs INSISTING Clarke and pals don’t have any input and are just glorified golfers on retirement?

    Like this man is the actual mfing CEO of the team and he had to actually go around the boys club to do his job. If that’s not a sign of their power I don’t know what is. Get them all out. We are being poisoned from within.

  17. dishwasher_mayhem

    Dave’s covering his own ass here and I’m perfectly fine with it. He’s letting the old guard take the fall for Fletcher.

  18. realdeal411

    TBH I want a better source than Marcus

  19. MichaelMaugerEsq

    Dave Scott out here trying to save his job with this leak.

  20. Boomer36hockey

    Obviously purely guessing.

    But Remember that report that after the CF firing that the flyers “weren’t done, but it will be after the season” or something like that? (I believe it was san fillipo).

    I wonder if this lends any credence to the theory that the old boys club of Clarke, Barber and Holmgren will be “retiring” after the season.

  21. No_End6183

    Time to replace ALL the old guys. Time to really clean house.

  22. Jethro_Tully

    This is far and away the most optimistic news yet with regards to this transfer of power. Fletcher was always more of a symptom than an illness. As far as I’m concerned, it can only be good news to hear that the (actual) powers-that-be are capable of recognizing that.

  23. ThePalmIsle

    Guys, let’s use our big brains here for a minute.

    Either 1) Dave Scott leaked this to Hayes, or 2) Hayes made this shit up.

    In neither case should we all swallow this crap and talk about Ws for Dave Scott.

    Dave Scott is a complete idiot. The most incompetent professional sports executive I’ve ever seen.

  24. Flipadelphia26

    I am all for not speaking to the advisors, but Marcus Hayes is probably the worst journalist in the city.

  25. F*ck briere for raising a POS son. That is all

  26. OLPopsAdelphia

    Ok, so let’s get rid of the obstacles. If those legacies are known obstacles, remove their authority.

  27. thegodfatherderecho

    Clarke, Holmgren, and Barber all need to be gone

  28. XxMonsterZeroXx

    Anybody who thought Fletcher should stay needs to get on their short bus and head outta town.

  29. Che_Che_dos

    Anyone else wondering wtf an “interloper” is?

  30. I can’t wait for these 4 advisors to be canned, and listen to Bob Clarke going on a pathetic verbal rampage

  31. movet22

    Good. Fire the rest of them now. This team won’t be any worse off by letting go of nostalgia.

    When we get back to winning regularly, we can start bringing up our heritage and history. Anymore living in the past is just holding us back.

  32. IntangibleContinuity

    Clarke , homer and barber been fucking up the team for quite some time now I’m glad he didn’t consult, care or listen.

  33. WooderFountain

    Love Bobby, Billy and Homer for their playing days, and they can always come to the holiday party at Vorhees, but it looks like their input into how the Philadelphia Flyers build a team and play hockey, is, at long last, over. Fina-fucking-ly.

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