@Rangers de New York

Mode mur de briques activé

Mode mur de briques activé



  1. 616photography

    The most nimble brick wall you’ll ever see.

  2. asshol1o

    Even more satisfying against shittsburgh

  3. ParkingLotLizard

    each round of the playoffs we win I will buy a form of rangers gear. When we win the cup, I will have a Igor jersey

  4. Batkat15

    The Igor we’ve been waiting for!

  5. PhillyJ739

    And that’s what we call his x-factor zone ability!

  6. CriticalJob7092

    Getting ready for playoffs😈

  7. jaypeedee1025

    God mode activated.I honestly believe he was saving this for the stretch run and the playoffs he has been great the last 6 games.I also think the kids are saving some energy for the playoffs

  8. DTUT653

    After being at the infamous « Igooooor » game in Pittsburgh during the playoffs, I developed a special hatred towards the pens. I FEEL SO FUCKING GOOD AFTER BEING AT THE GARDEN TONIGHT!!!

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