@Sénateurs d'Ottawa

DJ Smith, Tim Stützle, Mads Søgaard, Travis Hamonic, Julien Gauthier et Brady Tkachuk

Écoutez l’entraîneur-chef DJ Smith, les attaquants Tim Stützle, Julien Gauthier et Brady Tkachuk, le gardien de but Mads Søgaard et le défenseur Travis Hamonic après le match de ce soir contre les Maple Leafs de Toronto au Centre Canadian Tire. 0:00 DJ Smith 3:12 Tim Stützle 5:25 Mads Søgaard 9:02 Travis Hamonic 11:47 Julien Gauthier 12:59 Brady Tkachuk


  1. Great game! I know we didn't get the 2 points, but that was a dominant effort by the team. The shot count in games is not always indicative of how each team played, but in this case it's actually pretty accurate. Sens outplayed the Leafs overall and for large stretches of the game. Add in several posts and this game could've been VERY different.

    Keep putting that level of effort and focus into upcoming games and good things will happen.

  2. this team is gonna be killer in the next couple years if they can hang onto all of these amazing young talent

  3. sogaard has a big hole that needs fixing ,,,,,,,,,glove side goals,,,,,,,,, too many of them

  4. can't put soogard at fault here but maybe give mando a game ?
    soogard needs to work on that glove side, other than that good effort

  5. Winnable game. Chabot and Giroux kinda screwed us in the shootout. 5th straight loss now

  6. Just say it we have no fkg GOALIES and are season ended the Minute Talbot got re-re-re-injured.

    Better hockey these last couple games YES but with NO goalies what do you expect.. L`s of course..

    BigBig Summer for this squad

  7. When you take 50 shots against the Leafs and still lose there’s not many places to look other than the goaltending… Mads has a long way to go. Sucks this is the way he has to develop, but that’s what happens when your 35 year old starter is sitting on the couch the entire season

  8. Is it just me because during the game Timmy had tape on the back of his neck. I hope he is not injured he is one of the sens greatest players the sens have😊

  9. Really they came out flat .You can't do that with the LEAFS and with the goalies we have they were brought up from the farm team . Matt Murray is a NHL goalie god he played for us

  10. Toronto fan here, It's nice to see we aren't the only teams to get goalied. Ottawa should be proud of how they played.

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