@Sabres de Buffalo

Discussion d’après-match : Bruins de Boston vs Sabres de Buffalo – 19 mars 2023

Les Sabres perdent : 7 – 0




  1. GuybrushThreepwood94

    Really not sure why I decided to waste 3 hours of my Sunday watching this game.

  2. RefereeMason

    Absolutely pathetic effort. Wasted my Sunday afternoon.

  3. Son_Of_The_Empire

    I genuinely feel bad for Luukkonen. 2 or 3 of those were his fault at most. This team just completely fails to play defense. on that last goal there were 3 guys in the slot who’s entire contribution was « blocking UPL’s vision ».

    Granato needs to stop fucking with the lines, too.

  4. HilmDave

    Shout-out to everyone that tuned out at 00:15

  5. CommaToTheTop

    Maybe the playoffs are a bad idea

  6. AddictionsExWives

    Team is cooked. Greenway, though I hope I eat my words, seems to have been a mistake.

  7. china-boy-tom

    Well at least we’ll end the season with one more win than last year

  8. Sabres8127

    I expected a loss but not a 7-0 loss. At least show some fight.

  9. theNightblade

    Was the first half of the season a mirage?

    Is the young team just worn down?

    Is the weight of expectation crushing the team as a whole?

    Find out next time, on dragonball z

  10. Chemical-Ad-1274

    I have a feeling we won’t win anymore games

  11. AnAngryAnimal

    meaningful games in march, as always

  12. beeeeepppp

    I just wish the team would be honest with us. I know it sounds like excuses but knowing if Thompson and Dahlin are playing hurt would make all of this make sense.

    Now for 2 more losses, then a run of like 8 wins in a row so they’re just a few points out of the wildcard

  13. ItsMcLaren

    We saw the Pens get 6-0’d and said “I’ll do you one better”

  14. gthirst

    I can’t believe I didn’t use the ticket trading program to trade out of this game for another one 🤡

  15. Lanlis12

    Get Greenway a one-way back to Minnesota.

  16. Fradulent_Zodiac

    My brain a week ago:

    “We aren’t going to get Connor Bedard – just stop dreaming about it!”



    (Clicks on tankathon.com)

  17. comicsanscatastrophe

    End of the season has been a kick in the groin, I was ok if they didn’t make it but to just keep getting destroyed routinely is soul crushing

  18. DarthPisces

    So glad I turned this shit off when they went down 3-0. My expectations for the season have largely been accurate but I’ll be pretty salty if they end the season on a horrible skid.

  19. WorthPlease

    I’m not sure I’ve ever seen a bigger disparity in NHL hockey in my life than the Bruins versus the Sabres.


    All season the Sabres were fun to watch, high energy, and high effort.

    Then these past 11 games have been brutal tank years quality bad outside maybe 2.5 games. Effort is gone, offensive power is gone, goaltending is bad, and there are literally zero positives in their game. Just nothing going on that makes these games even close to watchable.

    It’s like a completely different team out there. It really sucks.

  21. Material_Mall_5359

    Glad I was working today

  22. the_kanamit

    We went from having a +21 goal differential at one point to -8 now. Just crashing hard.

  23. Kinger86

    Man and I bought tickets to the game against Montreal and am even going to their road game in Detroit.

  24. reddishgrape

    Granato coddles these guys too much. They have never felt any pressure because the coach goes out of his way to make sure everyone is relaxed.

  25. JCZ1821

    I need it explained to me like I’m five why:
    -53/37/71 was even considered a line in the first place. Might be the 3 worst defensive forwards on the team.
    -Why Granato willingly put them out against the Bruins top line, which lead to the 4th goal

  26. pucks20

    For good or bad this is proving that IF we want to hold onto Greenway he will be an off season project. Oloffson has proven his trade value with some recency which is good for off season dealing.

    Need to try and gauge Johnson and determine what else is needed for defense. The bottom two of Boosh and Stillman has potential. I can equally see Joker being placed there in place of Stillman. Would leave the defense a bit more solid though really could use one more mid 6 defender.

    Top 3 when going look solid. When they stall out get a bit too frustrated. Peterka is getting there but second line really needs another defensive presence. Middlestadt and Jost seemed to be gelling really well. Would see some very solid potential slotting Krebs in to help give them another scoring threat and a solid defensive position. IF Greenway has a good off-season would maybe see potential for him to take a spot there. As much as I have appreciated Okposo I think there’s enough of a backlog this makes sense to be his last season. Girgensons still has some value as a forechecker I could see him being a good compliment to Kulich. Then the last spot in the lineup can be a rotation for the young guys.

  27. bay_watch_colorado

    Granato doing his damnedest to make the trade not look like a mistake

  28. Green_hippo17

    So going to a jazz show was the much better choice of an afternoon for me lmao, wtf sabres

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