@Stars de Dallas

Buzzer-beater envoie THRILLER en prolongation

L’attaquant des Stars de Dallas Jamie Benn marque le but égalisateur avec 0,7 seconde à jouer en temps réglementaire. En prolongation, Adam Larsson fait irruption pour marquer le vainqueur du revers pour donner au Seattle Kraken la victoire des Dallas Stars.


  1. Dallas never fails to amaze me . Coming from a sad Canucks fan

  2. was way to close for comfort…. our defense in empty net situations…… atleast offense and OT is great,

  3. Every time I love when our announcer says “HEY HEY WHADAYA SAY! It always hypes me up so much

  4. Only good news I can take away from Dallas being so bad in OT is that its 3 on 3 they suck at. OT in playoffs is at least full strength but they still need to work on it imo. Ill still take the point, but Dallas needs to finish strong this last couple weeks.

  5. Un cross chek on 29 by Ben before he score?I mean that’s not a stinger that’s a cross chek 2 minutes

  6. DAL arena has Rains of Castemere playing the moment after they lose 😂 that's awesome, coming from a Sharks fan.

  7. For everyone complaining about the cross check: BE TOUGHER! Dunn needs to be aware that the rules are bent in front of the net. That’s hockey baby! 😂

  8. Texas seriously needs to get over itself. You should return the North Stars back to Minnesota.

  9. 100% should have been a cross check penalty, looks like callas needs a lot of help and lucky bounces to win

  10. Isn't that cross checking on Dallas. And looks like the goalie on Dallas didn't make any effort on making a save in overtime.

  11. Dallas is great this year and their scoring proves it. Oettinger has to get back to shape then if we can still have that game 7 performance at calgary, and if they score like this– even though nobody is considering this– dallas are contenders.

  12. Wish we could have finished the job in overtime but still a great goal. We at least got a point out of it. We are so good this year. Just always end up losing in ot

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