@Rangers de New York

Rangers de New York : Gerard Gallant Disponibilité médias | 22 mars 2023

L’entraîneur-chef des Rangers de New York, Gerard Gallant, répond aux questions des médias après l’entraînement du 22 mars. » Abonnez-vous au NYR http://youtube.com/nyrangers?sub_confirmation=1 NYR ON SOCIAL Twitter » https://twitter.com/nyrangers Instagram » https://www.instagram.com/nyrangers/ Facebook » https: //www.facebook.com/nyrangers/ TikTok » https://www.tiktok.com/@nyrangersofficial


  1. This team need to learn how to deal with a relentless forecheck and relentless pressure from certain teams like carolina and new jersey you see what happens when they run into teams like that they turn the puck over and spend most night defending without generating any offense they need to start playing with some defensive structure if there gonna continue to play like this no game is perfect but you have to limit the grade a chances and have to start playing in the offensive zone and create some chances cause Carolinas forecheck is relentless and causes turnovers and from there they had the rangers running around. So I beg you gallant please start putting some defensive structure in place. LGR.

  2. NYR #1 problem is their miserable passing. Get those passing drills going otherwise they will be toast.

  3. i'd ask Gerry why Kane is now dumping the puck in meekly from mid ice or the blue line every time. and why he is obviously more preoccupied w playing responsible defense in his own end than w going the other way. why the few times his line breaks out the other way offensively, it is almost always Kreider or Kreider/Trocheck, w Kane way behind out of the play bc he's worried about defense.

  4. Go Turk! It's a shame he's got to answer questions about some of his players that don't produce. They got out played& Carolina imposed there will… we have players who bring it every night.👍 SOME WHO DON'T!!!….. LETS GO RANGERS!!!👍💪❤

  5. Gllant plz tell the defense to play a better structured game in the d zone to many grade a chances for Carolina last night they have to fix that

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