@Ligue nationale de hockey

Plus de maillots Pride à Chicago

Plus de maillots Pride à Chicago



  1. AnEvilSunBro

    Why can’t hockey just be about hockey?

  2. What’s the concern? That they’ll be prosecuted if they go back to Russia, or that they generally just don’t want to wear pride jerseys?

  3. WanderingRebel09

    Those jerseys are super gay.

  4. lorilightning79

    Russia hates our military. Should we get rid of our military nights to make them happy too? Don’t want any crying Ruskies.

  5. WhoEatsRusk

    I’m surprised that the franchise that treated Kyle Beach so well would show such a lack of general decency or compassion

  6. tipsup

    No comment from the people all over the world that Russia has silenced.

  7. thenotoriouscrg

    But they’ll slap a big ‘ol Native face on every other jersey without concern for the feelings those who don’t like it. Lol

  8. khutuluhoop

    I don’t care who you’re sexually attracted to and I’m fucking tired if being told I should care. This is all corporate bullshit, not hockey.

  9. ferus_gyps

    The Russian gov’t wouldn’t take any action, this is the club avoiding drama knowing they would probably have players boycott it

  10. J0hnTheFisherman

    Can we just enjoy hockey? Regardless of sexuality? This is getting old.

  11. Fun_Doughnut_4537

    Who cares just play hockey.

  12. OsamaBinFappin

    This is because pride doesn’t sell well anymore, safety concerns is a cop out. As a pro LGBT person, from the beginning the pride nights/pride jerseys have felt ingenuine and a cheap way to make a good name for themselves and sell more jerseys

  13. JRR_Not_Tolkien

    Okay then let’s get rid of the bootlicker nights and jerseys too.

    Edit: someone reported me to the Reddit crisis line for this comment lol. Sensitive much?

  14. K1lgoreTr0ut

    Make them wear blue and yellow instead.

  15. ashadeofblue

    The Russians play very good hockey and are a benefit to the quality of the game but if they don’t like our culture of tolerance then let them play elsewhere.

  16. marblebag

    Humans will no longer attend blackhawks games out of concerns for other humans

  17. ki10_butt

    You mean the team that actively knew about Kyle Beach, the abuse he got, and the players/staff also being complete assholes to him now wants to protect their players?

    Man, that whole team is trash.

  18. PKDroidmasterrace

    Maybe it’s just lame marketing and only serves to increase outrage clicks when dudes won’t comply

  19. Dankles69

    Blackhawks have such a bad PR team. Like this is a blatant excuse. Better not see them in military appreciation night sweaters either given the war situation lol.

  20. dabzor4269

    Good. Forcing straight people to wear rainbows so you can make your business look good is stupid af.

  21. 15PotstickersPlease

    Also, because they don’t support Kyle Beach


    edit…a better way to say this, I guess, would be…after the Kyle Beach incident you would think the Hawks would be 100% on board with anything « Pride » related.

  22. Caffeinated_Narwhal_

    Why so much concern for Russian players? What about the LGBTQ+ community in Russia, who have to hide who they are?

  23. Yourlordensavior

    Good. Other sports and teams should take note. You shouldn’t be forced into wearing something. You can support lgbt people and also not want to be guilt shamed into wearing a rainbow. It’s just a dumb logical fallacy the radical left has forced on us all.

  24. Fun_Doughnut_4537

    F pride night, just play the game

  25. ezraroberts

    I thought this might happen, the NHL let it slide once and now every team is going to try and get out of it.

  26. GeppetoOnDVD

    You know, we as a country take pride on being understanding of other cultures and we wish to not infringe on other cultures belief systems…….. unless they contradict our system because ‘Merica!!!!!! Come to America where we want to infringe on freedom of speech and expression.

  27. Mission-Stress-6064

    I think I got tired of the auto correct on his name and gave up expecting to spell it correctly, I however did not realize that the final product was utter gibberish, my apologies.

  28. Intense3motions

    This black/white thinking of « if you don’t aggressively support pride and partake in every single activism event, you’re a bigot, an enemy, and need to be re-educated, smeared by the media, and/or destroyed », is really unhealthy.

    This is how people with cluster b personality disorders think and they will spend a lifetime in therapy trying to tone down that side of them. I don’t understand why this behavior is suddenly okay because it’s under the guise of a human rights campaign.

    I’m also really upset at sports news choosing to cover these kinds of stories. To me this is really not a big deal and I always thought a pride night was inappropriate for sports events. I’m glad it’s gone. I was teased briefly for being a lesbian in high school but people got over it in a week and most people I know think it’s kind of cool now. We have the acceptance we want. I don’t need a hockey game dedicated to the week I was teased in high school a decade ago. It reeks of « how do you do, fellow kids? »

    My friends in the LGBTQ+ community unfortunately have a habit of intentionally looking for confrontation by going into spaces they *know* are dominated by a certain type of people (in this case, straight men), making themselves as loud and as annoying as possible (which puts off even normal, respectful men), then crying harassment or bigotry when these otherwise normal people tell them to stop being loud and annoying and *weird*. I believe this is what is happening here. This whole NHL pride night thing is basically used as bait to harass normal people, because there is so little actual oppression happening to LGBTQ+ nowadays.

    I used to partake in community activism when I was fresh out of high school but eventually stopped because the activism basically just consisted of googling the owners of random businesses around Staten Island, trolling their social media feed for what in retrospect were mildly insensitive comments, then turning around and smearing them on social media until they gave us free shit. It was disgusting and fucked up.

    It makes my crowd look crazy and that’s what’s happening here. This is actually setting our cause back because we’ve turned into an insane twitter and reddit mob that can never be appeased and just harass a new target each day if they don’t aggressively support random activism causes.

  29. frostyjack06

    Good. They shouldn’t have to wear military appreciation night jerseys either, and I’m ex-military (not to mention it’s super weird having a team that’s largely not American show support to the US military). Get rid of all themed nights. Leave politics out of hockey.

  30. Satrialesbadabing

    😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎 check out r/chiblackhawks we dont care about jerseys or being woke there

  31. apex199268

    This should be an example for all sports teams. While I support the LGBTQ community and believe they all have a voice, this virtue signaling bullshit need to be kept separate from the sport. Stop pushing these woke ideologies onto the players and supporters.

  32. innocentbystander95

    It’s not because of Russia, it’s because it’s bad for business. Hockey can just be about hockey, not everything needs to include the message

  33. Doughnut_Panda

    Good. Shouldn’t have been there to begin with.

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