@Panthers de la Floride

[Tim Reynolds] Déclaration d’Eric et Marc Staal sur le fait de ne pas porter de maillot de fierté

[Tim Reynolds] Déclaration d’Eric et Marc Staal sur le fait de ne pas porter de maillot de fierté



  1. Ok-Clock-5459

    Damn, was hoping we wouldn’t have opt outs. Team doesn’t need this attention, selfish.

  2. PearlJamPony

    I choose to think both of them are scumbags

  3. UpwardlyLiving

    Ah yes love to see these Christians pick and choose what conveniently goes against their « beliefs. » Love thy neighbor unless I don’t want to. Don’t even get me started on other specific Bible passages.

    And shout-out to these two idiots for thinking people choose to be gay. I like the thighs and butts of girls that’s how it is. I don’t choose to be straight – I was born that way.

    What I think is important is while we still have a ways to go, we have come a long way as a hockey community. How many players might have opted out 20 or 30 years ago? I’m hoping in more time we’ll only have 1 or 2 league-wide instead of 1-2 on several teams.

  4. cl0udmaster

    Fuck these losers and their made up sky man

  5. Neugoodz

    I said it before and I’ll say it again to get through to the crowd that needs to hear it. If your boss tells you to wear the uniform to work you will wear the uniform to work if you want your job. You’re not above anyone within your organization. If Christianity dictates their thoughts and actions then I can’t imagine the burden and stress they endured wearing the military appreciation jerseys. The Florida panthers recognize veterans at every game and I’ve never heard them speak up against war or violence.

  6. 213Bishop

    Welp only way to feel better about this is to go fuck a femboy.

  7. Beagles-R-us

    Good for them, do what you want.

  8. MadIrishMan17

    Man, I was so happy reading earlier we were supposed to have all players participating… These clowns, last minute, make it about themselves. Fucking selfish.

  9. Ebergs94

    Good for them for sticking up for their beliefs. A person’s personal choice should be respected.

  10. StudyEastern

    Wonder if that last minute decision created some awkward tension in the locker room. Given how they’re playing tonight

  11. tomcat810

    Lol. Are they Islamic? “Religious beliefs” my fucking ass. Just say you’re homophobic and don’t like wearing pink. Not a big deal.

  12. Common W for standing up for their beliefs. Big Staal fan right now .

  13. Cold-Fee-305

    Look at the hateful comments… respect their diversity and first amendment right.

  14. pusisson

    Isnt there an option to just scratch them for a game or two and keep the team focused on right things or is it considered as discrimination against their imagination or some?

  15. dunkcitybitch

    Can’t wait for those fucks to be away from the team after this year

  16. ohwowitsrambo

    Losers. See ya bums! Glad they won’t be back

  17. NickDivz

    Right before a very important game too, this is not only disappointing but selfish.

  18. kaze987

    Using religion to divide. The true Christian way! Man I loved Eric Staal since Minnesota. Sucks to know this about his character

  19. FlaGator

    Being a piece of shit with no emotional intelligence must run in the family

  20. Wrightr2015

    Glad to see people crying about them not wearing it.

  21. B_Hound

    Couldn’t just hold their tongues and let things be while staying off ice, but had to make a fucking press release to make sure everyone knows how brave they are for stepping back? Because of course it has to be about them and to take the eyes off the entire rest of the team, who are trying to show support to a group of people who have not always been welcome in hockey.

    Maybe next time when they do Hero Among Us I’ll just start yelling over the top of the announcement about how I actually don’t agree with the war lifestyle and the people who choose to partake in it. Except I won’t, because that’s the behavior of a prick.

    Nobody wanted either these two bums and won’t shed a tear when they’re gone.

  22. GoofGaffGrin

    All that talk of “love thy neighbor” and “do unto others”. Guess they missed those verses.

  23. Why are pride jerseys even a thing….. I am just here to watch hockey, look at all the babies in the comments who can’t respect other peoples choices. Get your crap out of hockey.

  24. StudyEastern

    Tkachuk’s post game interview 👀

  25. whyamihereonreddit

    Look, I don’t agree with them not wearing it. You can not agree with something and still support your team. But fuck all y’all for hating on someone who disagrees with you. Holy shit you guys make shit so much worse for your cause. God forbid someone has differing opinions, we should all be sheep and think the same right?

  26. DUFstein

    I had a gay threesome with Marc and Eric Staal and they absolutely INSISTED on sucking each others dicks.

  27. ReturnOfTheGedi

    If they made a straight pride night and a gay man refused to wear it what would most people’s response be? Nothing….. as it should be. The same stands for for the other way around. You want equality and want everyone to be accepted than who cares?!… stop making a big fuss over people not wearing a shirt to appreciate a certain group. You just keep singling the LGBT community out and acting like they are lesser and need a hand getting up.
    It’s a shirt. It doesn’t matter. No one cares who anyone loves. Leave eachother alone.

  28. Sarkosuchus

    There is far too much hypocrisy in this issue. With players wearing political-related jerseys, there are two coherent approaches:

    1. The players should be forced to wear the jerseys, regardless of their personal opinions
    2. The players should be able to choose whether they want to participate based on their personal views

    The people who are mad at the Staals should think about an example where a jersey was symbolizing something they disagreed with. What if next week the Panthers did a “Rush Limbaugh Pride” jersey?Would these people be consistent and force all of the players to wear those jerseys too?

    Also, for a movement which is supposed to be about pride and love, there is so much vitriol and hatred for anyone who doesn’t participate. There is something wrong with that. Show love and respect to people, even if they disagree with you.

    I personally just want anything politically-related to stay out of sports, whether I agree with the message or not. Time for me to get downvoted to oblivion here, as my opinion isn’t the ‘approved’ opinion. Oh well…

  29. FL_Sports_Fan

    Does anyone think that the Panthers organization had a statement prepared in an attempt to get on the right side in terms of PR? But obviously they’ve failed at that and now it’s a divisive mess amongst the NHL fan base. Personally I would wear the jersey in warm ups, but I can disagree with them and still respect their belief. I just think there’s way too much overreaction to this. Live and let live.

  30. romanswinter

    Good for them. Hockey is for everyone, LGBTQ and Christians.

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