@Flames de Calgary

Seravalli: Quelqu’un peut-il comprendre pourquoi un meneur de jeu de 84 millions de dollars est agrafé au banc des #Flames avec 20 secondes à jouer dans un match à un but avec une saison en jeu?

Seravalli: Quelqu’un peut-il comprendre pourquoi un meneur de jeu de 84 millions de dollars est agrafé au banc des #Flames avec 20 secondes à jouer dans un match à un but avec une saison en jeu?



  1. Duck_Caught_Upstream

    Because he has the fifth most points of any forward on the team

    Part of that is his own doing, part of that probably is the coaching staff

  2. Vinny331

    If you actually think that $84 million playmaker was going to make a difference in that 20 seconds, you are absolutely out of your fucking mind.

  3. AustonsNostrils

    I remember when Torts wanted the Sedins to become shot blockers. Is this a similar situation playing out in Calgary?

  4. jonos360

    Same reason the young kid he had decent chemistry with is in the minors. Just Darryl Things.

  5. Charming-Square-3752

    He needs to play with Dillon and Walker
    The HubeyDubeDu Line

  6. tSchab3r

    Because you need Stanley cup pedigree on the ice when the game is on the line. Has Huberdeau ever won a cup?, I don’t think so. My boy Lucic could steer wrestle a herd of Bison with his eyes closed… that’s the kind of guy I want on the ice when it matters most… – Darryl

  7. artisticflamesfan

    yeah like what was going on, when we first pulled markstrom and there were 2 minutes remaining trevor lewis was on the ice

  8. Accomplished_Skin_22

    Because his confidence his shattered. He isn’t adjusting well and the coach doesn’t believe that he plays the proper way.

  9. BeerLeagueSpode

    Even if he makes 84 assists, that’s a lot of money per assist. Something is wrong with the nhl.

  10. elonmusketeer604

    Also, the $84M contract starts NEXT season. He makes the same money as Mang this year.

  11. Top_Tumbleweed

    To make room for Lucic of course

  12. Master-Defenestrator

    Can anyone point to anything Huberdeau has done this season to warrant him being out for the 20 seconds?

  13. xThunderstruck33x

    I can make sense of it…. he has been at best the 6th best forward on the roster this year.

    He has been TERRIBLE. Why does he deserve to be out there? What has he shown this year? We have ZERO 3rd period comebacks.

  14. keeper3434

    It is not how much a player makes, it is how much difference a player makes.

  15. Cryptoff98

    Huberdeau will save the day. He’s been doing it all season /s

  16. RangerGripp

    I’m guessing because he’s playing like an ass and is more likely to turn over the puck than score.

  17. BetterTreat

    Genuinely funny to see Sutter troll the whole NHL.

  18. gilbertusalbaans

    Blind back hand saucers to the opposition don’t win games, regardless if you’re an 84$M player NEXT YEAR

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