@Canucks de Vancouver

ESPN crée un nouveau documentaire 30 pour 30 sur l’émeute de la Coupe Stanley de 2011 : « Je suis juste là pour l’émeute »

ESPN crée un nouveau documentaire 30 pour 30 sur l’émeute de la Coupe Stanley de 2011 : « Je suis juste là pour l’émeute »



  1. ididntwantsalmon19

    That’s pretty sick. These 30 for 30 documentaries are usually solid. Will be tough to watch though due to the memories it will bring back haha.

  2. crazycanucks77

    Awesome! The 30 for 30 series has been awesome to watch since ESPN first put it out years ago. Probably the best one was The Two Escobars.

    Ice Cube did a 30 for 30 on how the Raiders and NWA were intertwined in the 80s and 90s. It’s still the reason why the Raiders still own LA.

  3. DrexellGames

    Its where Aquillini’s meddling started

  4. De_Floppss

    I hope they cover how the city came together after the fact to help clean up too. Win or lose there were gonna be a riot

  5. sam4999

    I am not ready to be haunted by this trauma once again.

  6. JTMilleriswortha1st

    It’s probably a great documentary but i don’t want to re-live the 2011 finals.

  7. realusername30

    Wooooow stacked cast of directors! Asia Youngman and Kathleen Jayme are so good

  8. canucklehead200

    Can we please stop celebrating that photo of the couple kissing on the ground? They were part of the problem, adding to the riot crowds/mentality by gathering in a place that was trying to be cleared despite many warnings.

  9. I’m sure it will be good; but ya, no way I’m watching that.

  10. SouthOfHeaven42

    I’m ready to get hurt again

  11. Count3D

    I submitted footage for consideration for this doc (it’s never been seen anywhere). We’ll see if they end up using it.

  12. shivd10

    There was a riot. Shit broke. The end. Now give me my Emmy

  13. ProfCharlesSexavier

    Here’s hoping for an interview with that Chinese kid with the hockey stick. Homie deserves to get his name cleared.

  14. Looney_forner

    I’m not ready to get hurt again…

  15. What’s still funny to me, after all this time is my little connection to the riots:

    The scene: Small bar outside of Kansas City. Two groups of people. My handful of friends who couldn’t care any less about hockey, let alone the Canucks, but wanted to support me and have drinks. And a few out of towners , surprisingly from Winnipeg.
    Obviously we got the bar to put the game on the biggest screen.

    As we all saw, and as I called out after the first goal went in, we were not playing our game and it looked and felt off. So the drinking continued and we all had fun trashing Boston the whole time.

    As soon as the game ended, one of the guys from Winnipeg joked “Hey! I’ve got a rental car so let’s go flip it!!” We laughed at the joke and all finished our drinks and all said our goodbyes, not knowing about the actual car flipping actually happening in Van that night.

    Wonder why ESPN didn’t reach out to me to comment…

  16. AnonymousBayraktar

    I was downtown the night the riots happened. We’d watched the game at Canada Place on a screen. You could tell halfway through the game the Canucks were out of gas, and as each period ended you could see more and more cops lining up. It was a rotten feeling.

    We walked through downtown towards the supreme court and I saw black smoke rising between the buildings in the east. We settled in at the Earls near there to drink our sorrows away. The craziest shit was when we came outside in the dark afterwards, the riot had spread all over downtown. The police and city hall did little to try and contain it. In some places, they almost stood there watching. On one street for example, were people trashing shit, but a block down would be a row of cops just watching. I got the impression they were told to standby and watch shit go nuts so the city could use it as a future excuse to ban fun gatherings or other stuff downtown. When they did take action, I remember feeling mace burning my face from as far away as a block down wind from when they let it off at people.

    I watched someone pull off their 260 dollar Ryan Kesler jersey and throw it in a garbage can fire. The image is forever burned into my mind like it happened last night. An even weird occurance I experienced was a happy Canucks dance party on the art gallery steps, a block from the carnage until the cops showed up and told us all to disperse.

    At the time I remember thinking they’d make a 30 for 30 about what was happening. I guess it’s finally happened.

    Many of the people who wanted to start the riot were also people booked for causing trouble in 2010. I sincerely hope people watch this documentary when it arrives and stops trashing our city and fanbase about it. Sports riots happen everywhere, and it’s actually Montreal who were famous for hockey riots before us.

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