@Rangers de New York





  1. elfinito77

    This is my favorite save of the season so far.

    That stretch…to just a perfect blocker save.

    Schneider had a great view. he looks impressed. lol

  2. fictionalreality08

    Damn, right on the center.

  3. rangers0808

    Anyone got the video highlight of this! Freaking insane save

  4. Seems like the type of moment that perfectly encapsulates puljujärvi’s nhl career

  5. supposablyhim

    he looks angry at the puck. « i see what you’re trying to do, you little fucker »

  6. Mitcheeeey

    If I did that I’d be in a hospital with 116 muscle tears and internal damage to everything below my chest😂

  7. SquashMarks

    Anytime a netminder makes a save like this, there is a lot of luck involved. That puck was shot mostly in the middle of the goal.

    That said, the dexterity, speed, flexibility, anticipation, and coordination it takes to pull off a save like this is still astounding. Look at Igor’s legs, full split. Few goalies could save this shot. I’d be heading for the hospital

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