@Wild du Minnesota

J’aime voir que les gens nous détestent. Un bon changement de se sentir complètement hors de propos.

J’aime voir que les gens nous détestent. Un bon changement de se sentir complètement hors de propos.



  1. Katyinmpls

    It would be fun if we had an actual rivalry instead of just some Colorado fans calling us the Mild all the time. It feels like they think about us WAY more than we think about them.

  2. Otherwise_Carob_4057

    Dude Nick Swordsen vs Will Ferrell center ice let’s make that happen!

  3. Don’t think we’ll ever have a Battle of Alberta type rivalry where there’s just pure hatred from both sides. That’s the type of rivalry where family members get disowned.

    The Av’s rivalry is a strong one, definitely my most hated team.

  4. threwitaway763

    I visited a friend in Chicago a few years ago, and we went to the Blackhawks merch store. I felt physically ill being surrounded by that much Hawks gear – will never forgive them for knocking us out of the playoffs so many times

  5. Paladad

    Colorado fans really talk about us like a jealous ex boyfriend. Winnipeg wanted to starts a rivalry and Colorado was hopping in like « no minne’s ours 😡 »

  6. Natearl13

    Avs fans literally have our logo as their downvote button and our always like “hURR dURr mILD sUcK”, they are fr annoying

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