@Penguins de Pittsburgh

Mise à jour poussée des séries éliminatoires des Penguins de Pittsburgh

Les Penguins de Pittsburgh ont atteint les dix derniers matchs de la saison et se battent pour l’une des deux places restantes en séries éliminatoires dans la Conférence Est de la LNH. Quels sont les plus grands scénarios avant les trois dernières semaines décisives et comment les équipes restantes se comparent-elles? Accorder! Votre dose quotidienne de discussion sur les Penguins de Pittsburgh, animée par Nick Brlansky. Nouveaux épisodes tous les mardis, mercredis et vendredis. Membre de Fan Nation et InsideThePenguins.com. Écoutez chaque semaine et souvenez-vous que chaque jour est « Un grand jour pour le hockey » ! Sur Twitter : @IceBurghPodcast @InsidePenguins Regardez des segments et des épisodes complets de l’émission sur YouTube à Inside The Penguins !!


  1. I know you couldn't help but bash Tomlin, but you made no sense and simply talked in circles. "If you make the playoffs, who's to say they lose in the first round, anything could happen." That's obviously why making the playoffs or having "winning seasons" in your analogy is important. Because you get to the last game or two and still have a shot. When Pittsburgh beat Seattle in the Super Bowl, Seattle was a wild card.

    Yet you then turn around and say "that's why it doesn't matter." I think you said it best when after citing Tomlin, you said "that's why I don't really think these streaks matter." Right, Tomlin is why you think the streaks don't matter. You decided you don't like Tomlin and now you either don't want to be a hypocrite or don't want to be called a hypocrite. But this is working backwards. You shouldn't decide whether streaks matter based upon whether you like Mike Tomlin or not.

    On Tomlin, you're simply demonstrating your misunderstanding of the designed parity in the NFL, how difficult it is to avoid, and how the Steelers and Tomlin have avoided it after having their run. Let me ask you this, how will the Pens look when Crosby and Malkin aka Roethlisberger and Troy leave? It's gonna be a dumpster fire. The Steelers avoided it. The Penguins will not. Mike Sullivan will not coach them to a winning record. He can't even do that with the stars when you consider OTL. Sullivan is untouchable and Tomlin is trash according to hockey fans, though. You're about to find out, lol.

    On Sullivan, what fans are missing is that his system does not generate high percentage scoring chances. The Penguins are 6th in the NHL in shot attempts %. They're 31st, second to last, in shot percentage. TALK ABOUT THIS. Their shooting percentage is abysmal. Are the players that bad? Can Malkin, Crosby, Letang, Rakell, Zucker, and others not shoot? They can shoot. They're taking low percentage shots. It's not winning hockey, because the way you win hockey games is by scoring more goals than the other team.

    So the reality is the streak is just an observation of winning. Winning does matter. Making the playoffs does matter.

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