@Flames de Calgary

Fil du match : Sharks de San Jose (19-38-13) @ Flames de Calgary (32-26-15)

**Heure :** 14h00 HNR (16h00 HNE) **Lieu :** Scotiabank Saddledome – Calgary, AB. **TV :** SN —– **Jeu à boire :** * Pelletier devient sain – *boit* * Flames wild hors saison mentionné – *boit* * Lindholm marque depuis son bureau – *boit* * Looooooooch – *boisson* * Huberdeau tourne – *boisson* * Grand arrêt Markstrom/Vladar – *boisson* * Les flammes ont frappé le poteau/la barre transversale – *boisson* * Tyler va au top titty – *chug* * Scores de la 4e ligne – *chug* * En infériorité numérique but – * chug * * Pénalité au-dessus du verre – ** terminer et remplir ** * Combat – ** terminer et remplir ** * Pénalité de flammes en prolongation – ** terminer et remplir ** _______ #[Discord](http://discord.gg/calgaryflames)



  1. BigDickHobbit

    Managed to snag 12 happy hour beers for me and my 2 mates. If you notice any crazy shit going down in PL6 please remember my intentions are honourable!

  2. shatabrick6969

    Dj is playing some absolute bangers right now

  3. FrodoSagbag6

    Taking my daughter to her first game, and backlunds 900. Would be nice to get a win here. Go flames go!

  4. CaptinDerpI

    I have low expectations, but we seriously need to win

  5. MonkeySailor

    Win 9 in a row or lose 9 in a row. Enough of this win one, lose one crap

  6. smilecrocodile1

    Made the trip from Edmonton! Hopefully a W so I don’t have to drive 3 hours all salty lol

  7. weschester

    Afternoon game against the worst team in the league. What could possibly go wrong?

  8. Lisa_lou_hoo

    Can finally watch a game again… Lindy, Ras and Pickles with points today! GFG🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥👍🍻

  9. projectbarium

    Hi friends. Happy afternoon. Todays cool because I can actually watch the game with baby Jarome.

  10. Rulebreaker15

    The only Fan Appreciation I want is a W.

  11. Live-Yogurt-6380

    Why didn’t they honor Barb?

  12. NameIsPetey

    We deserve a Barb appreciation game

  13. GrafNebelgeist

    I just hope it’s an entertaining game.

  14. CaptinDerpI

    Wish Reimer was in net so the Dome would boo him

  15. NameIsPetey

    Where’s that sack of shit Remier? I wanna boo something other than the flames.

  16. American-Musician

    Since when is there digital ads on the GLASS???

  17. OlympicMuffins

    Our guys are allergic to one timers

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