@Capitals de Washington

Discussion d’après-match « Fuck Anthony Mantha »

Discussion d’après-match « Fuck Anthony Mantha »



  1. TopHalfGaming

    It’s honestly unfathomable how bad he’s been.

  2. MonEnfer

    shit pay me 5m to join the team, i might be shit at hockey but at least i know to move when someone tries to take the puck from me

  3. wcaps1996

    Ok I didn’t watch the game and have no idea what he did but going by the comments here and on IG I’m assuming he murdered a few puppies on the ice? What happened?

  4. mmullin69

    Can we stop being fucking toxic holy shit this is boston level shit

  5. Tigerdriver88

    Get that lazy incompetent bum out of here

  6. TweakTheBeef

    this guy is a such a bum i still can’t believe our brain dead front office traded vrana, a 1st and a 2nd for him, franchise crippling trade

  7. 206ert

    Mantha is so inappropriately named

  8. HereInTheCut

    Ship him to Arizona so he can suck in obscurity in front of a tiny ass crowd every night.

  9. tabnasty2121

    Why’d you post a picture of Martin Erat?

  10. quick25

    Mantha making an argument to be the worst trade the Caps ever made. Definitely worse than giving away Forsberg and the Jagr deal at this point. What a garbage player.

    Trade him and Kuzy for nothing. Not even a bag of pucks. Just get them both gone.

  11. Joe_Szymansking


  12. HoopOnPoop

    This level of awfulness takes dedication. He has to try to suck this bad.

  13. JayceeDonuts

    i thought players on our team are supposed to help OUR Team

  14. InfallibleBackstairs

    I wish I had a job that would pay me $5 million to be a lazy fuck.

  15. InfallibleBackstairs

    Vrana scored again tonight.

  16. paper3199

    hating on one of our players is a different type of hatred. you’ll never catch me not supporting a cap. fuckin support our players

  17. TheGreatNathan

    This guy reminds me of Loui Eriksson when he played for the Canucks.

  18. Tigerdriver88

    Trade Boston Mantha for Hathaway next season

  19. nikebauer1993

    This guy is a fucking bum!!!

  20. sacmayor

    Worked a wedding tonight. Kept checking my phone. Down 2-0 as I get in my truck to head back to the shop. Third period starts. Pens score almost immediately. Dammit. Glad I’m not watching. Then the miracles happen. We tie it!! I’m unloading the van cheering to myself in the kitchen. Then Mantha fucks it up. That mouth piece sucking piece of shit.

  21. Tigerdriver88

    The front office needs so stop picking up guys who are only big and nothing else. The caps of a few years ago would never have done this. We would have started the game up and never 1. been in a position for Mantha to mess us up and 2. Never have had him anyway

  22. Insurrectiion

    Hope he picked up on some Russian this year. He’ll be in the KHL before he knows it.

  23. According_Tax1434

    Dude has been a bust since we got him. Now he can add “season ending skills” to his resume

  24. E_to_the_RIK

    Everyone needs to chill out. Mantha has been terrible but let’s not get personal with this and focus on the player, not the person

  25. AthleticFunGuy98

    TBF we shouldn’t have even been in this game. The two penalties that got our first two goals were soft asf

  26. TheCosmicCharizard

    I would say send him to the AHL but the Hershey Bears have playoffs coming up and he would probably end their season too. He belongs in the South Carolina Stingrays.

  27. MainZack

    Get ready to learn Chinese buddy

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