@Oilers d'Edmonton

Connor McDavid fait ressembler la LNH à une ligue de bière.

#nhl #hockey #edmontonoilers Connor McDavid est devenu le premier joueur à marquer 50 buts cette saison.


  1. He is just an unreal offensive force, but I don't think he'll quite reach 70. Nor will ANYONE break Wayne's 92 goal regular season output. That one is forever. Bedard is coming up but no, he'll not touch that.

  2. No I don't think he's going to get 70. I think he's going to join lemieux and bossy and get 69 😎

  3. A tough one. I saw Gretzky score 92 goals in a season along with 215 points. Different time then however. The goaltending and defense was way below par in the 80's. Amazing McDavid can put up these numbers in this day and age.

  4. There are so many teams that the talent has been diluted to the point that it is a beer league – mostly a bunch of goons on ice!

  5. 2010 Winter Olympics are the reason I started playing and following hockey and I know I’m not alone

  6. God I love your videos. You literally analyze things the exact way I do, it's like you're making a video of what I'm thinking.

    McD on that last OT goal was insane how he recognized that his man had dropped him (dumbest defensive error ever), changed his mind from going for a change to breaking back into the slot to score. Generational defining player.

  7. McDavid will get 70 goals if he decides he wants to. He has been a playmaker & passer making him the great "team" player that he has been – and that every team wishes they had. with his unequaled talent, and as the best player on the ice, he will score, pass to set up a score – whatever he needs to do for his team to win the game. However, once the game is "won", he can go out and score goals better than anyone else in the game. All the best to him; he is most deserving of his great achievements.

  8. Absolutely McDavid Is EXTREMELY Skilled AND Has EXCELLENT Hockey I.Q. BUT as "Kevin Hart" Would Say "WAIT a Minute"…"WAIT a Minute"…To SHOW Ýou How REDICULOUS Your "McDavid Is TOO GOOD For The N.H.L. Or McDavid Makes OTHER N.H.L. Players LOOK LIKE "Beer League" Statement IS…Tell Me Something??? How Many "Stanley Cups" Does McDavid HAVE?? Ok THEN…

  9. The nhl IS a beer league, has been since Buttman took over … McDavid deserves a league of his own

  10. He ranks 33rd all time for scoring in a season. Gretzky had 92 goals in 80 games. Brett Hull had 86 goals in 78 games. Mario Lemieux had 85 goals in 76 games. Few others had over 70 goals in a season. But you GenZ's never got to see that. Pity you guys!

  11. McDavid wasn't good at faceoffs, so he got good.
    McDavid wasn't good at defense, so he got good.
    McDavid wasn't good at goal scoring, so he became the best.

    At this point people have had to become creative to convince themselves he's not the best. I'm sure next season he'll score a Michigan, win the Selke, and a Hart, and people will still try to argue. We're looking at the closest thing to a Gretzky-Lemieux level talent and people are already wondering if Bedard will be better. This will be the guy for this generation that Orr was for our grandparents.

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