@Capitals de Washington

Ovi jette un couvercle et libère le CLAPET ! 💣

Après avoir reconnu une pénalité retardée, Alex Ovechkin enfile rapidement un casque pour monter sur la glace en tant qu’attaquant supplémentaire, puis arrache un tir sur réception de la mise au jeu pour son 42e but de l’année et un décompte en avantage numérique pour amener les Capitals de Washington à moins d’un des Penguins de Pittsburgh en fin de troisième période.


  1. Greatness continues. I'm a Wings fan but Ovie is such a great joy to watch.

  2. At some point, every goalie facing Ovie should kinda know what's coming with Ovie open above the circle.

  3. Never gets old… what a game wish it would have e gone our way, but congrats to the Penguins a well deserved win.

  4. my condolences to caps and pens fans that had to watch this game on ESPN tonight 😥

  5. Once in 12 billion attempts, DNA unites to produce a GOAT in something. It could be hockey, math, music or knitting, but Ovie's shot is one in 12 billion

  6. He also has the record for most goals in an age 36 and 37 season.

    Next season he'll be 38 and Brett Hull has that record with 37 goals.

  7. Literally watching history as it happens. From a Devils fan, I hope you break the all time goals record Ovi!

  8. I thought he put it on directly before scoring. This video may as well be called "Ovechkin puts on his jock and unloads a howitzer"

  9. The more time and goals passes….people start to see and believe he will make it. there can be only one!!!

  10. I remember watching him in the 2000s after he was drafted. He was on another level, and played very recklessly. A lot of analysts didn't think he'd make it long past 30 because of how he played, or that he wouldn't sustain his scoring, or that he'd lose a few steps in his later years. While it's true that he has lost a step or two, he changed his game beautifully to suite his style that he is capable of playing. He truly is the greatest goal scorer. How many times have teams/goalies seen that clapper coming and just not being able to do anything about it? It's been amazing to watch him grow as a player

  11. How can he shoot the ice hockey ball that hard almost through the player tending the ice hockey goal? (which isn’t very big at all?) I have seen many replays where he shoots the very hard little disc so hard it seems like the hard rubber goes directly through the goalkeeper. Do other players shoot this hard with success? He has scored 299. Should score 325 or something since he will play more seasons. That is amazing. He looks like a middle aged man, but can obviously still do this better than most on the ice hockey surfuce even at a high age. Did he shoot harder when he was young?

  12. We didn’t win, but it was great watching Pitt sh** their pants a little

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