@Sharks de San José

Explication de la nuit de la fierté de James Reimer

James Reimer explique pourquoi il n’a pas participé à la soirée de fierté des Sharks de San Jose


  1. I don’t care if you don’t support a marginalized community enough that wearing a jersey is offensive, but at least have a pair of balls to stand up for your beliefs. Attributing your stance to the religious beliefs dominated by hypocrites and pedophiles is an extremely weak cop out. Grow a spine, pussies!!!

  2. STOP explaining why. Just don’t wear it and please do not bring religion into the conversation. Assume your decision.

  3. NHL has become a clown show if you are not gay you should not have to wear a gay jersey PERIOD the rest of the players should get on board.

  4. Good for him. As a leafs fan i watched him since he started with the leafs. He and his wife have always been class and done lots of charity for people. Good people. Get the politics out of the game.

  5. Just not enough value to show support by simply wearing a shirt. James, you can do better. Don't hide behind your faith. Your fake statement disgusts me.

  6. I remember once upon a time a group of people were made to wear the star of David. That wasn't "a big deal" either, was it leftys?

  7. Score one for Jesus! Every generation keeps putting him to the cross but he always finds a way off. James Reimer will see the light when it's dark.

  8. It went from we want equality to drag shows for kids. I used to support the gay community, but the trans activists changed my opinion. Now I despise them all.

  9. Same sex relations is a sin. Sam sex union is of the world not the one true Christian congregation which Christ is head of. Christian is our leader not the government. Same sex unions are unnatural. Men can't get pregnant. Silly rabbit.

  10. Bettman needs to go. This has gone too far. No one should be forced to a different religion crazy no respect from nhl leaders

  11. I mean he could at least memorize his speech instead of read from his phone

  12. It's like me, as a Jew, making every hockey player wear a pro Israel badge…That ain't happening…so why should this happen?

  13. I don't understand why the NHL is pursuing this garbage. Seems like a losing proposition

  14. A person does not need to wear a jersey to accept everyone. It’s a violation of the Charter to force an employee of NHL, to wear or think any one way. It’s harassment as well, which again organizations guidelines. Hypocrite reporters. Where are their pride shirts? If the NHL really believes this, why not intimidate every fan to wear a free LGT etc tshirt to every game? Exactly. NHL doesn’t really care.

  15. First Ivan Provorov , now James Reimer. I can´t explain how much I respect you guys for not letting the maniacs behind this insanity touch your integrity. You are the true heroes for all the kids watching NHL no matter your performances on the ice. Thank you Mr Reimer and Mr Provorov.

  16. James your a hero. I wonder how many players don't want part of that but don't have the guts to say it

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