@Red Wings de Détroit


Beaucoup de nouvelles dans la LNH cette semaine, et pas beaucoup de bonnes… bouclez votre ceinture! Connectez-vous alors que nous commençons par discuter des Red Wings de Detroit et de leur défaite contre la Floride, y compris Simon Edvinsson dominant Matthew Tkachuk (et la vision d’Yzerman de construire une ligne bleue géante avec Seider, Edvinsson, Wallinder et d’autres), Pius Suter restant chaud, & le but sournois de Dylan Larkin (3:45). Ensuite, leur victoire en fusillade contre St. Louis, y compris Filip Zadina perçant, Alex Chiasson avec un autre PPG devant le filet, le vainqueur de la fusillade de Lucas Raymond – ainsi que le classement de la loterie de repêchage de la LNH « Connor Bedard » et pourquoi le « tank » compte plus pour la position avec Fantilli, Michkov, Carlsson et d’autres dans le mix (10:40). Ensuite, nous jetons un coup d’œil à un autre profil d’espoir de repêchage de la LNH qui pourrait être pertinent pour Hockeytown : Brayden Yager de la WHL. L’attaquant d’élite peut-il convenir aux Red Wings de Lalonde? Yzerman le projette-t-il comme centre (21:10) ? L’accord sur les maillots Adidas NHL devant expirer en 2024, Fanatics est intervenu avec un accord de 10 ans avec la ligue – connectez-vous pour nous entendre discuter (avec emphase) pourquoi les fans de hockey du monde entier sont exaspérés par cette nouvelle (31:20). Enfin, avec la confrontation Ohtani contre Trout dans la classique mondiale de baseball, nous discutons de ce que la LNH manque en n’ayant pas ses joueurs dans un tournoi international de meilleur contre meilleur comme les Jeux olympiques ou la Coupe du monde de hockey. Quand verrons-nous McDavid contre Matthews (44:40) ? De plus, quelques nouvelles des Red Wings alors que Red Savage devient un Spartan de l’État du Michigan et que Jon McDonald signe avec Detroit hors de la NCAA (59:05) avant de répondre à vos questions pendant les heures supplémentaires (1:00:57) – profitez-en ! Rendez-vous sur wingedwheelpodcast.com pour trouver toutes les façons d’écouter, comment soutenir l’émission et bien plus encore. Billets WWP Night at the LCA: Billets DetroitRedWings.com/WWP Comedy Night: https://jamiedanielsfoundation.org/featured-event/comedy-night-of-hope-2023/ —– Merci de nous avoir fait le plus grand Le podcast des Detroit Red Wings est en ondes ! #RedWings #LGRW Site Web : https://www.wingedwheelpodcast.com Patreon : https://www.patreon.com/wingedwheelpodcast Twitter : https://www.twitter.com/WingedWheelPod (Consultez la bio pour suivre les hôtes !) Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/wingedwheelpodcast Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/wingedwheelpodcast Écoutez sur… Apple Podcasts : https://itunes.apple.com/podcast/winged- wheel-podcast/id969768868 Podcasts Google : https://www.google.com/podcasts?feed=aHR0cDovL2ZlZWRzLmZlZWRidXJuZXIuY29tL1dpbmdlZFdoZWVsUG9kY2FzdA%3D%3D Spotify : https://open.spotify.com/show/6Wp4fEi1EO741Ulx : CloudPMGtahttps://S spotify.com/show/6Wp4fEi1EO741UlxPMGtaS Flux RSS : http://wingedwheelpodcast.libsyn.com/rss


  1. LGRW 🐙🐙🐙🐙
    Glad the boys ended the streak, and that Vrana didn’t get one

  2. Know nothing about the chl besides Bedard but I wanted Yager purely because he’s a righty. Can’t wait to hear his profile

  3. Fanatics sucks, guess thats the good thing about the Wings sucking don't have to give them any money.

  4. Some speculation for ya fellas.
    This years free agency leaves a lot to be desired. Save for some depth signings, it will be quiet offseason.
    The 23-24 season will be similar to this season, team success wise. With the biggest focus and importance being internal growth.
    The 2024 offseason will be the summer of Detroit.
    The free agency class is nuts and I'd bet Stevie has that date circled to big time add to the core.
    Yes some players will resign, but I'm betting many make it to the market.
    Matthews, 26, unless Toronto wins the cup this year or next, he's going to sign witn American team. Why not a legendary original 6 team on the rise.
    Sebastian Aho, 26, probably resigns in Carolina.
    Elias lindholm, 28, who knows where Calgary is going, probably goes to market. Shoots right, almost a perfect fit for the 2c.
    Jake Guentzel, 29, probably goes to market, top of the line finisher.
    Nylander, 28, his situation depends on Matthews decision imo.
    These are just a handful of the under 30 top 6 forwards potentially available. Not to mention some of the intriguing over 30 players if they are open to short term deals.
    At this juncture of time raymond and seider will be entering their 4th seasons, larkin will be 29, copp 30. Rasmussen 25 I believe, Veleno and Johnny burgers 24, edvinson and kasper everyday nhlers.
    Perfect time to go for it.

  5. Gee we need a RD bad. Wish we had a mid 20’s RD that was already developed instead of waiting 4 more years for a teenager.. oh wait we did have one.

  6. If RH forward is on the top of the SY wish list……but they also have to be great backcheckers the 200 ft game
    Matthew Wood is a LW/C/RW who is right handed. Bigger forward at 6'3" 190 lbs not ranked top 15 though.
    RHC Ryan Leonard has a good frame to build on, USDP 75 points……committed to BC.
    RHC Nate Danielson 6'1" WHL 77 points……. committed to UMinn
    I like Yager still, playing with NYR signee Ryder Korczak has helped keep MJW motoring along

  7. Adidas did a disservice on both 1.0 and 2.0 reverse retro's Detroit (and Toronto) were the worst selling and had supply for almost half a year after release. Red Wings (and Leaf's) fans sent a message to Adidas and refused to purchase a design not worthy which is a horrible result for being 2 original 6 fanbases. Adidas did not understand their error. Even the MTL jersey was a slow seller.

    If Fanatics follows suit and refuses to making cutting edge original 6 team designs (or alt designs) they also post huge losses.

  8. I was at the game in St Louis, 2 rows behind the Blues bench. At one point, I think in the third period, Berggren and Vrana got tangled up and shoving each other. The Blues fan next to my son stated " they don't like each other". I leaned over and said "of course they don't he (referring to Berggren) took his (Vrana) job." 🙂

  9. Probably won't buy a Fnatics jersey unless the quality improves dramatically. Might have to buy one or two from Aidas before that contract goes into effect.

  10. Ryan thinking Pius Suter is going to get a RAISE is actually insane. Just insanity. You're lost my guy

  11. Guys Hellberg as a backup? Yikes. Save percentage is at 9.02 this year which seems too high for the eye test. On paper he seems fine but I always feel like its an automatic L when I see him in net.

  12. The scary thought for Pittsburgh fans is that the Pens won't have anything to sell off other than Guentzel. Detroit was able to get some good draft capital starting out even if it was initially squandered to a degree. A couple of years ago the assessment of their cupboards was that they had P. O. Joseph and that's it. That's one city/fanbase that hasn't taken losing well, and the team will be in a long, deep rebuild. Are they going to need another save from Super Mario to stay in Pittsburgh?

  13. Yoo, I was on the golf team in high school with Jon McDonald. Good golfer, great hockey player, and even better person. Super happy for him wherever he ends up playing!

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