@Devils du New Jersey

Les Devils du NJ ont décroché une place en séries éliminatoires avec la victoire des Rangers et des Devils de NY contre les sénateurs !

Les Devils du New Jersey ont décroché une place en séries éliminatoires avec la victoire des Rangers de New York sur les Panthers de la Floride et la victoire des Devils contre les Sénateurs d’Ottawa. C’est la première fois que les Devils font une apparition en séries éliminatoires depuis 2017-2018. Avec le Win, les Devils ont atteint la barre des 100 points et c’est la première fois depuis la saison 2012. Ce fut également un match marquant pour l’attaquant superstar Jack Hughes alors qu’il atteignait la barre des 40 buts pour la 1ère fois de sa carrière, Nico Hischier avait 2 passes décisives pour atteindre la barre des 70 points pour la 1ère fois de sa carrière, et Dougie Hamilton a marqué son 19e but de l’année pour établir un record de franchise pour les buts en tant que défenseur des NJ Devils. Ce fut une grande victoire pour les Devils car il nous reste 9 matchs dans l’année pour retrouver cet élan gagnant et établir quels joueurs seront dans l’alignement et quelles combinaisons de trios pourraient être en lice pour notre 4e Coupe Stanley! #newjerseydevils #jackhughes #nicohischier #dougiehamilton #njdevils #ottawasenators Suivez-moi sur Tik Tok @ HockeySkatedown Suivez-moi sur Twitter @ The Hockey Skatedown @TSkatedown Suivez-moi sur Instagram @ thehockeyskatedown Suivez-moi sur Facebook @ hockey skatedown Suivez une autre chaîne YouTube @ The Superhero Scene Images utilisées en vidéo avec Fair Use. L’utilisation équitable est une doctrine de la loi des États-Unis qui permet une utilisation limitée de matériel protégé par le droit d’auteur sans avoir à obtenir au préalable l’autorisation du détenteur du droit d’auteur.


  1. I first got into hockey through the Sochi Olympics. My first season was the 2014/15 season. After nearly a decade of failure, my team is finally a contender. Now I can finally cheer for my team in the playoffs. That felt like a distance dream every passing year. 2018 felt like a cameo, but now, we're finally a legit contender, and league finally respects us again. Gone is the narrative that we would never be good again without Brodeour.

  2. Loved the game, not sure we are ready for the Stanley Cup, but soon!!! ❤️❤️❤️

  3. Super happy. Glad to see Jack has been Jack the last couple games. Couldn't have come at a better time.

  4. I was VERY happy to see Wood step up and go after Tkachuk after Brady tried to rough up Sharangovich. While the overall hitting in NJ tends to be low, seeing the Devils stand up for each other is still huge. Also something to keep in mind is that when you're getting most of the shots and controlling the puck more than your opponent, you aren't going to be hitting nearly as much (especially not in today's era). So having guys like Meier and Lazar in the mix adding those strong hits where they can is a serious help.

  5. Everything that happens from now on is gravy..so much experience as a winner team will help in the playoffs.. so glad for the successful season and hope it goes well 🎉

  6. We need to tighten up our D.. been leaving our goalie out to dry, sharpen that d up or we will b one and done no matter who we playing..
    just glad to see how far we progressed this season, definitely have a bright long future.. this is only the beginning

  7. At this point, the Devils are playing with the Houses money. Jack seems to have gotten his groove back. Hopefully, they can go on another heater heading towards the playoffs. Thursday's game is a big one. Going to need to drink some calming tea that night as I will be a nervous wreck watching the game….LOL!

  8. Lots of patience, but we made it bruv! Enjoy the rest of the ride this year!

  9. Hughes going from the defensive zone right through all the Ottawa defenders and scoring was classic. Glad Wood stepped up as well. Yeah good season so far, glad they clinched in record time. It's looked like we would face the Rags for quite a while in the first round and we are 8 games away from "game on". Only 2 points separating the teams sometimes and I hope NJ can go into the playoffs with home advantage… even though there will be tons of drunken Rags fans at the Pru. I would like to see Akira Schmid get more game time over Blackwood as I feel keeping Blackwood around is partly for the GM to save face after using him for so many games when overall he's unreliable and injury prone. I'm also dreading 3rd period penalties and turnovers from Severson. He's been better in general this season so I hope that carries him through the playoffs. Meier has also been screening opposing goalies for a LOT of goals that he did not get on the score sheet for… I was worried he might be a puck hog but he's been a team player here and yeah like you mentioned Joe, he's hitting a lot. All good. Keep the defensive breakdowns to a minimum and score your asses off guys !!

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