@Ligue nationale de hockey

« QUOI » – Jack Edwards

« QUOI » – Jack Edwards



  1. jbazildo

    Bruins fans are kind for allowing this senile moron to be the voice of their fan base.

  2. Livid_Mati

    Nhl watchers seeing Nhl commentator having any kind of real life emotion = get ride of this absolute monster, how dare he yell at the game he is also watching as a human being!! 🥵😤!! 😡😡🤬

  3. Ecstatic-Arachnid-91

    Those jerseys are gorgeous!! Love the Whalers jerseys

  4. Suitable-Pea-8226

    Clarified a couple seconds later that he was watching the puck and didn’t see Anderson lose his bucket.

  5. Vetersova

    All I can focus on is how awesome those jerseys look.

  6. thangus_farm

    I mean he kinda suits that area and their fans.

  7. MalcolmButlersTruck

    Him laughing passive aggressively after the McAvoy interference call was also gold.

  8. Tola76

    If they’re gonna wear whalers jerseys they should let the guys sport an 80s name plate too. Would love to see Liut in net. 😀

  9. DocMcCracken

    Jack is not ok. This game he was off…a lot. Not sure what is going on, but hope he gets ok.

  10. Cash_Credit

    The Martinook « missed call » was even worse IMO. McAvoy tackles him, dude’s just trying to retrieve his stick from the net. Jack wouldn’t let it go all game, like « there’s goes Jordan Martinook, who APPARENTLY has free reign to tackle Bruin’s players with no repercussions ».


  11. Mepros

    As a guy who watches most B’s games on Nesn, Jack Edwards is awful. Aside from the enormous bias (that could be viewed as a good thing), he takes these long pauses as if he lost his train of thought. He’s getting too old and out of touch. Andy is fine but Jack’s gotta go

  12. DangleWho

    “They blew the whistle and he’s still conscious??”

  13. 1nstantHuman

    Jack Edwards, the most objective voice in sports broadcasting – said no one, ever

  14. Specialist-Idea-5396

    When your mom calls you for the 3rd time:

  15. PersimmonMindless

    Jack Edwards has to be the worst commentator in the league, no?

  16. Hankarron44

    Jack sounded jaded all day.

  17. Reasonable-Profile84

    Jack Edwards is the greatest goddamned broadcaster working in professional sports today.

  18. CombatFork

    Death, taxes and daily Jack Edwards hate posts on r/nhl

  19. Strypes4686

    His helmet is off Jack…. this isn’t rocket science. Looks like Pasta pulled t off accidentally.

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