@Maple Leafs de Toronto

Disponibilité des médias des Maple Leafs | Après-match aux Predators de Nashville | 26 mars 2023

Les joueurs et l’entraîneur Sheldon Keefe s’entretiennent avec les médias après la victoire 3-2 des Leafs contre les Predators de Nashville dimanche. 0:00 Alex Kerfoot 1:45 John Tavares 4:18 Joseph Woll 5:28 Mitch Marner 7:02 Sheldon Keefe ABONNEZ-VOUS : https://tml.hockey/3FvgtoG SUIVEZ-NOUS Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/ torontomapleleafs/ Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/mapleleafs/ Twitter : https://twitter.com/MapleLeafs #Leafs #LeafsForever #TorontoMapleLeafs


  1. The Pitbul scored
    Leafs had a brick
    Woll tonight !

  2. Overall, a pretty solid game by the boys. A couple poor choices by a couple guys made the game way closer than it should've been though. All things considered though, good game.

  3. Kerfoot has every right to invoke his inner Pee Wee Herman and say: "I meant to do that" …because he did mean to do that. His shot went exactly where he was shooting for.
    My clamoring for a 3 goalie rotation over the past couple of weeks doesn't look so crazy now. With 9 games left give Woll at least 2 of them. Having your 3rd string keeper ready to step in if called upon is just common sense.

  4. Now that's a much better game. I'm glad that the Leafs didn't blow a 3-1 lead otherwise i would've lost it. Let's Go Leafs!

  5. Small sample size, but Woll definitely looks like an NHL 'tender. Calm, tracks the puck well & doesn't swim around. They were the better team vs Carolina, but Murray was really not good enough. You can't get beat on wrap-arounds which he seems to over-commit to on the wrong side & is then unable to push back across effectively. They were able to play well despite being on a back to back. Home ice virtually a wrap as Tampa would have to run the table 8-0 & Toronto go 4-5, so it's highly unlikely that will happen.

  6. Such a great game by Woll. Composed and calm. Just amazing.
    Mitch once again shows he can do it all by passing the puck with his head!
    Such a great team.
    So proud of everyone

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