@Flyers de Philadelphie

[Seravalli] #Flyers annonce que le président de Comcast-Spectacor, Dave Scott, prend sa retraite à compter du 17 avril. Le PDG récemment embauché, Dan Hilferty, succèdera à Scott en tant que président.

[Seravalli] #Flyers annonce que le président de Comcast-Spectacor, Dave Scott, prend sa retraite à compter du 17 avril. Le PDG récemment embauché, Dan Hilferty, succèdera à Scott en tant que président.



  1. MuppetusMaximusV2

    He can’t leave quick enough. Don’t even give him a box to pack his stuff. Just throw it out the window.

  2. LCLeopards

    Can’t say at this point it’s a step in the right direction, but it’s a step. So there’s that…

  3. FrozenPhoenix1892

    Christmas came early, boys!

  4. InjectA24IntoMyVeins

    Uh oh… I have hope again…

  5. UnloosedMoose

    Dave, « it’s a retool », Scott…

    You were admirable in your attempts to do as little work as possible and make as much money as possible, it’s really the slackers fucking dream, but man…. The way you became post-capital in your fucking superman concerns by letting dudes that don’t know how money works handle your finances was…. Either you teaching us how to get ready for Marxist revolution or trolling my non existent kids because they might have object permanence by the time we unfuck ourselves from Flyera.

    Bye Felicia.


    Do Clarke, Homer, and Barber next

  7. Gunmars

    Scotts problem was he trusted the wrong people, took bad advice and held on to a bad direction for far to long. That being said he did give them everything they thought they needed to succeed, even if it was completely wrong. So for that I do give him some credit.

  8. Flyingchairs

    Anyone know anything at all about Hilferty? Like is he actually going to be different or just another Comcast warm body

  9. magmar17

    So that’s it after 20 years– so long, good luck?

  10. themeatbridge

    Ugh, feels like they didn’t even give people a chance to apply. Did they even *look* at my resume? I’ve been pointing out their mistakes after they make them for *decades*.

  11. Adios✌️Don’t let the door hit you in the ass on the way out

  12. infidelappel

    I don’t hate Scott as much as most. He did what you *want* a corpo owner to do for a sports team: he signed the checks, let the hockey people do what they thought was needed, and didn’t micromanage.

    The issue is he trusted all the wrong hockey people and was way too passive when it was clear that they were the wrong people. That indecision this past year ultimately proved that he had to go, but he wasn’t the root of all evil here.

    Hilferty supposedly is more knowledgeable about hockey and brings a little more passion for the game. That’s good, and hopefully he’ll keep a more watchful eye and actually get the right hockey minds in that office. Hopefully after that he still signs the checks and doesn’t micromanage.

  13. Jethro_Tully

    The Flyers’ problems are top down so I suppose there’s little room to complain about the top changing hands. That being said, the Fletcher firing seemed to be the first time we’ve seen Dave Scott make a truly noteworthy executive decision without, or even against, the advice of the inner circle. I’d be lying if I said I was only feeling positive about this change in personnel so soon after Scott appeared to actually have made a good decision.

    IDK, it’s possible I’ve become far too jaded. I find it difficult mustering anything beyond apathy when talking about this team. Obviously I want the best for the Flyers so I hope beyond hope that Hilferty has a vision for this team rather than being given one.

  14. GravyBoatCapitan

    This is actually a fairly monumental change for the Flyers. It appears they are finally onboard with the idea of cleaning house and taking the franchise forward like they should.

    Everything is going in the right direction at the moment, which makes me incredibly nervous as a Flyers fan.

  15. Local-Cartographer52

    hope Clarke and the old boys club fucks off as well

  16. Chrahhh

    It’s not a sale so we don’t care

  17. knight_who_says_fuck

    Fire Hilferty! Too soon?

  18. Hilferty’s statement, while promising, has one line in it that gives me pause.

    He says he wants to “consistently compete” for the Stanley Cup as opposed to winning one. Now I get that this is nitpicking, but prior to Comcast, that was the bare minimum.

    Being “competitive” in a league that sends nearly half its teams to the playoffs isn’t the take I want to hear. You can “compete” for the cup with a .500 record.

    Where’s the recognition that this was once an elite organization that players WANTED to play for? How do we get back there?

    I guess I wanted to hear some confidence and a return to the swagger that made us one of the elite orgs in the league for so many years. I want to hear that we’re gonna win another one before I die.

    This just sounds like more PR word salad.

  19. Truly incredible what lagging ticket sales will do.

    There’s a staggering amount of people in here defending Scott. In about December 2021 it was pretty evident this team needed a major rehaul. Like, you don’t even need to know hockey that well for it to be evident.

    His ineptness in trusting Fletcher led Ristolainen being extended, Sanheim being extended, Gaudreau not being signed, and JVR not being moved for anything. The fact that the Fletcher issue wasn’t taken care of when it should have been caused irreparable damage.

    On top of that. The whole experience of going to a game actually sucks now. The business side of the team managed to completely alienate what was once probably the most loyal fanbase in the city and going to the games in now more a futile exercise in « how much can we extract from our fans » rather than « how can we foster repeat customers ».

    Just a complete failure all around, and I’m glad to see the clown gone.

  20. LarryFineMD

    Hooray Dave for not being advised and firing Fletcher for incompetence on your own.

  21. mcolt6288


    Step 2 done. Now get rid of the bullies

  22. Stevepac9

    Dave Scott reportedly didn’t consult Clarke and company prior to firing Fletcher.

    Dave Scott retires

  23. RepresentativeAir735

    Spectacor is a blip in the Comcast universe. It falls under the corporate/other category (as opposed to movies, theme parks, cable stations, cable and cell phone subscriptions). The Flyers are not a material aspect of the company.

    This is a job you get at Comcast if your corporate career has reached a dead end.

  24. joeheller22

    Finally, some accountability at the top. I am beginning to believe Snider was the only thing keeping the wheels on this franchise from a corporate perspective, because shit clearly hit the fan as an organization around the time of his death.

    Though Dave and Comcast aren’t making the actual decisions on the roster, they damn well are the ones who are suppose to hold those who do make the decisions accountable, and it was just clear as day Comcast had no clue how to evaluate that performance. They continuously rewarded numbskulls (Homer, Etc) who drove the franchise into the ground because no one at Comcast knew what the fuck creating a cohesive hockey team and organization entailed.

    This is a clear step in the right direction, but my Flyers Boycott still moves forward until I see some fucking progress from Comcast, or they sell the team. Cheers, to hoping this health exec (fucking ew, why not get someone with hockey or even sports management experience) pans out some how.

    To the people who will trash me saying Comcast has nothing to do with the product on the ice, you are just flat out wrong. Indirectly, Comcast is 100% responsible for the pathetic product they have put out infront of us since 2018 (let’s just call it like it is, fuck playoff berths and records, these last 5 teams have been PATHETIC)

  25. Nochtilus

    Are Clarke, Holmgren, and Barber still pulling most of the strings? Then none of this matters.

  26. leatherneck0629

    « Could it be? » « Could the Philadelphia Flyers organization be making a change away from Dave Scott, Comcast – Spectacor chairman? » « Could the treasure be found? »

    Sorry, wrong sub, I thought it was the Curse of Oak Island.

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