@Ligue nationale de hockey

Avec la défaite des Panthers, les Maple Leafs ont décroché une place en séries éliminatoires. Gagneront-ils enfin une série éliminatoire pour une fois?

Avec la défaite des Panthers, les Maple Leafs ont décroché une place en séries éliminatoires. Gagneront-ils enfin une série éliminatoire pour une fois?



  1. Itrytohard7

    This year seems like a very good shot to a Tampa team that doesn’t look exactly overpowering. But, it’s Toronto so we’ll never know.

  2. 75Minnesota

    Dubas and Keefe are praying so.

  3. BubbaSpanks

    I’m not getting my hopes up….been here before

  4. Mountain_Anywhere645

    I’ve been a Lightning fan since 2002. I’m also a realist. Yes. You will advance to round 2 this year. We just don’t have the same fight we have the last few seasons. It won’t be a cake walk, but you’ll do it.

  5. click1283

    TB vs Toronto is gonna be an insane first round matchup. So is NJ vs NY but this Atlantic clash will be insane

  6. kingonkensington

    Put it on a banner and raise it to the rafters!!

  7. subway576

    I just don’t see it. And this might be the death blow to this team if they can’t do it.

  8. PabstForBreakfast

    they look even better with the recent additions but the hockey gods won’t let it happen. it’s simply not meant to be.

  9. Snoo40099

    I’m not a leaf’s fan, but how the hell have they not made past the 1st round? Is it their d-core?

  10. REDitor_31

    Watch the one year I don’t bet on them to win they finally win something

  11. OilorsHockeySortaFan

    I’m not the biggest leafs fan, but I do really want them to go far! I can’t predict what will happen though.

  12. 1DVSBSTRD5

    It’s win a round or blow up the team it seems.

  13. darkhorse21980

    Hahahahaha…oh wait, you’re serious? Ok, uhm…no.

  14. pmarangoni

    If the Leafs don’t win the Stanley Cup this year they should relocate to PEI.

  15. Camulius73

    Short answer: no.

    Long answer: nnnnnoooooooo

  16. illumiflo

    This might be the year they break through against a lousy looking Lightning team, but the Lightning might pull their playoff magic again…

  17. Outrageous-Estimate9

    Samsonov = 1-6 in the playoffs

    Murray = 29-21 but 15 of those wins are back in 2016


    Vasilevskiy = 63-38 + 2 Stanley Cup rings

    Yeah Leafs look primed to lose again

  18. Bambistepmom

    Fleafs golf tourney starts after the first round

  19. minimumhatred

    if they don’t then the coach has to go, and maybe the gm.

    if they win it will be because Tampa isn’t quite the team they were and the deadline acquisitions energize the leafs and the goaltending holds up better than expected. if they lose it will either be that Tampa was back to form and the goaltending and team defense let them down, or choke so hard it’s unfathomable as they have ok n heard past.

    I could see both happening, I really do worry about goaltending and team defense. I think the offensive core has had enough playoff go arounds that I don’t see them shitting the bed as they have a couple times. But defense and goaltending could kill them, they remind me of the oilers in that regard.

  20. alindiakos

    No. Matthews is mentally done with the organization IMO, and tbh im in the group that think he purpose hit O’Reilly with that shot lol. But on a more serious note they wont beat Tampa if that is indeed the match up we see yet again. Everyone wants to point out Tampa has been playing bad and blah blah blah, imo they know they’re making the playoffs and after 3 long seasons are just done with pointless games.

  21. an0rak343

    Absolutely not. It’s Toronto

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