@Ducks d'Anaheim

Le juge de ligne s’est fait jeter dans le banc des canards d’Anaheim

Le juge de ligne, Bevan Mills, s’est retrouvé coincé entre Vasily Podkolzin et Sam Carrick, le faisant tomber sur le banc d’Anaheim Duck. NHL Rejects vous aide à réduire le bruit et à entrer directement dans les actions de hockey en cours dans la ligue. Abonnez-vous pour voir plus de contenu de hockey sur votre flux ! Promotions, questions, suggestions ? Envoyez-nous un courriel à: nhl.rejects@gmail.com


  1. "that Vancouver guy was outta line there"
    "We would never push you into the bench"
    "Here you go friends let's get you back out there to call some penalties"
    " Man can you believe how much they hate referees "
    "That's not very hockey like there is it buddy"

  2. The refs and linesman are as tough, if not tougher than the players. Maybe what they lack in skills they sure as heck make up for it in strength, guts and a thick skin!

  3. Me, I would have looked and the coach and yelled, "What line am I playing on?" 🙂

  4. perfect place for a zebra , too many on the ice nowadays to begin with , prefer 3 at most .

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