@Penguins de Pittsburgh

La plus grande histoire de Crosby que vous n’avez peut-être jamais entendue…

Sidney Crosby est mon joueur préféré de tous les temps et je me considère incroyablement chanceux d’avoir pu le regarder au fil des ans. 3 coupes avec les Pens, tout le matériel personnel et en tant que Canadien, le but en or est celui que je n’oublierai jamais. Mais, peut-être que la chose la plus impressionnante à propos de Crosby sur la glace, pour moi, c’est la constance. Ainsi, avec l’aide de Crosby sur le but de Rickard Rakell contre les Rangers de New York l’autre soir, Crosby a officiellement décroché son 18e point en carrière par saison de match de ses 18 saisons dans la LNH. C’est le deuxième après le grand Wayne Gretzky qui en avait 19. Avec cela, j’ai commencé à me remémorer l’incroyable carrière du capitaine des Penguins de Pittsburgh, Sidney Crosby, et donc dans la vidéo de hockey de la LNH d’aujourd’hui, je voulais partager l’une de mes préférées. Des histoires de Crosby que vous n’avez peut-être jamais entendues ! #lnh #hockey #pittsburghpenguins #sidneycrosby


  1. Thank you sir for sharing this, you're right, I and probably most have never heard this before. It definitely tugged at my feels and no surprise at all coming from one of the humblest greatest hockey role models on and off the ice of all time!! Huge Pens fan and thankful to have also been able to watch him grow lead and excel over the years!

  2. Guts me when I realize Sid the kid is in the last phase of his career. Time goes too quick.

  3. Great story.

    As much as I want to, it's tough to dislike Sid.

  4. I always said there is something abt Crosby that makes him outstanding.The same as I felt abt LeMieux and Gretzky.Just clean cut humble Canadian boys that know how to win but as team players always.

  5. That is true class! Thank you for what you do on and off the ice, Sidney Crosby. 🙂

  6. That made me tear up a bit. What a story. Thanks for sharing

  7. "A hockey player visited me today. Nice looking boy, gave me a hug" Said my elderly mother while i was visiting her at the Veterans hospital in Halifax. Wait a sec…. I knew Sid was doing his visits that day. I told her that was a big deal. Back to her story about how bad the food was 🙂

  8. LOL bless that old guy for apologizing for being a Habs fan. Great story. Thanks for sharing it!

    I won't be surprised if we hear more stories like this as he enters the zenith of his career.

  9. golden goal is one of the most legendary hockey moments of all time 'YEAH YEAH YEAH"

  10. I don’t think people realize how YOUNG he is in life. In hockey, he’s on his last handful of seasons but for him to be 29 and to do what he did in this story is a true testament of his character. Sid is a legend and I feel spoiled to have gotten to watch him, Bergeron, Ovechkin and many more over the course of their entire careers

  11. That's what makes Sid different. He didn't WANT that moment to go viral. He just wanted to do it

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