@Canucks de Vancouver

Cette interview de début de saison par Rutherford a plutôt bien vieilli…

Quelques faits saillants : il a évoqué le commentaire que beaucoup ont fait sur la façon dont nous avons également terminé en force l’année dernière et cela n’a pas été repris : style lâche et plus du côté offensif et notre gardien de but a très bien joué et a vraiment aidé à gagner beaucoup de ces matchs ou à nous renflouer dans des matchs très ouverts. Et je ne crois pas que ce soit le style de jeu que vous pourriez maintenir sur une longue période si vous voulez vous battre pour une place en séries éliminatoires.   Il a également discuté de l’impact qu’aura le fait de jouer avec la structure de l’équipe : > »nous devons jouer au sein d’une structure plus forte pour rendre ce jeu plus facile pour tous nos joueurs » > > »Pour que nous devenions une meilleure équipe, nous devons jouer avec un système plus fort et être vraiment plus responsable de certaines des choses avec lesquelles certains joueurs se débattent. dit Rutherford. > > »Si nous jouions dans une structure réelle et solide, cela faciliterait le jeu de notre défense et peu importe qui était sur notre défense, mais pour le moment nous n’avons pas cette structure solide et nous avons besoin pour changer la composition de notre défense », a-t-il déclaré.



  1. Leggomylegh0e

    It’s like he knows what he’s doing! 👀

  2. Ruilin96

    If management didn’t believe Bruce’s coaching style is suitable for the team long term, they should’ve told him they won’t be renewing him in the offseason and hire the current coaching group right there and then. Regardless of the situation, Bruce’s dismissal was handled poorly and would rather have the team done the honourable thing and let him go in the right manner and thank him for his service to the organization.

  3. VanRolly

    I have to admit, I was one of the folks who was pretty pissed about Rutherford not immediately re-signing Boudreau after the run the team had last season. And I’m still pretty unimpressed with the way they hung him out to dry before firing him.

    But, that said, I’ll eat crow on this one – it appears Rutherford was right about his reasoning, even if the execution of it was piss-poor.

  4. NerdPunch

    Im disappointed we won’t hear Rutherford speak as much going forward. I really enjoyed his candor, and he gave insightful answers.

    Now we get Pokerface Patrick Allvin, giving us non-answers to questions.

  5. somewhat_random

    I am withholding my assessment until we see what happens next year (again). Sure they have been on a winning streak recently but they did the same thing last year and last year they were almost in a playoff spot. This year it is not even close.

    It MAY be that Tocchet’s system has made a difference or it may be that Demko is back in form and so we are back where we were before, a fair to middling team that might make the playoffs.

    There still seems to be some major issues with management with several stories coming out this year that seem to indicate upper management is messed up. We have seen no indication that these have been dealt with.

  6. Xanyol

    October and November next year is going to be interesting!

  7. Too soon to say.

    They switched out the coaches when Demko was coming back, and the schedule became super easy.

    They talk a lot about structure, but maybe now we’re getting enough sample size to actually see if there is a material difference in some fancy stats.

    I’m waiting for someone smart to show us if all this talk about structure is legit or just bluster.

    Are high danger scoring chances against down? Are we preventing zone entries better? Eye test can’t tell us if there is a significant sustainable change.

  8. DanMurphysNumber1Fan

    I can admit when I’m wrong, as much as I don’t like how Bruce was handled Rutherford still stayed true to what he said he was gonna do, and that’s not something to take for granted. I’m definitely open for the « retool » if we’re doing it right which it seems we have been so far. We have a solid core in petey, Hughes, demko, Miller, kuzy. Adding Hronek was great, the emergence of pizza man has been a good surprise and when Iliya is healthy next year that’s one less piece we need to add.

    If we actually build around the guys we got and were smart about it I agree that we can be a playoff team within the next couple years. Maybe I’m huffing copium but he’s actually given me a reason to put a bit of trust into what he says

  9. bitter-pickles

    I said it when it happened and I’ll say it again forevermore. If Rutherford had come in and let Boudreau go the right way, notifying him of plans, and making a swift decisive move instead of making him the most « dead coach walking » I’ve ever seen, we would have maybe not liked it on a personal level because Bruce held such a special spot in our hearts, but we never would have lambasted the FO. It would have been well within his rights to do so, and no one would ultimately think twice about a new President bringing in his own guy.

    Like, I’m glad that the Hall of Fame team builder was able to identify that we were too run and gun to work effectively I suppose, but basically any of us could have seen that as well. The difference will always be the manner in which it happened.

  10. MooseMalloy

    >If we were playing in a real, strong structure, it would make it easier for our defence to play and **it wouldn’t matter who was on our defence**…

    Yeah, I’m not buying that last bit.

  11. ImAnAfricanCanuck

    remember when everyone flilled out on him for these statements? « i cant believe he’d throw Bruce under the bus like that!! »

  12. overscaled

    Rutherford was right but why the heck he didn’t put it in motion, which wasted a great season Petey and Hughes are having.

  13. TarsesaK

    I was wondering if he purposefully stepped aside and handed the mic over over to Alvin whilst replaces te coaches

  14. Soggy_Account5515

    Honestly as a fan I was triggered when he said “thought we were tanking” the whole time he just bashed his coach and now we’re out of the lottery as well as playoffs it’s no fun being a Canucks fan when management completely trolls the fan base

  15. ebb_omega

    Everybody’s been calling for Rutherford’s head in a big way, but I think it’s important to note that while the general philosophy of the team hasn’t changed (and that can be traced back to Aqua), the execution has improved in a number of ways.

    Pro scouting is up. This is a thing that Benning improved on over the years but let’s be honest, he never got himself higher than « below average » in this field (and he started from « godawful »). But we’re already seeing solid returns on pieces we traded for, and they seem to be outnumbering the ones that are complete flops thus far. Bear and Hronek are both looking like wins, and those were for RHD where we REALLY need to fill out. Add into that some signings we pulled off last offseason – Joshua, Lazar, Aman, DJ Zappy – all solid depth pieces.

    Asset management is better. I feel like we’re handling our pieces better, transfers between AHL and NHL and back again, and as much as everybody want to complain about the Miller contract and the Horvat trade, they dealt with both instead of letting them lapse at the last minute and walk for nothing. Also we’re not signing depth pieces for overpayments due to being « character » guys or « good in the locker room. » Nor are we signing stupid amounts of term to grinders and checkers who are going to spend the latter days of their contract on LTIR mostly.

    Anybody screaming about Rutherford’s competence should get their head checked. You disagree on the rebuild philosophy, fine, but that complaint goes to ownership. Putting that aside, Rutherford and Co are actually doing a pretty darn good job, we just can’t see the forest for the trees due to spending so long staring at total incompetence we’ve forgotten what solid GMing looks like.

    And finally development seems to have improved. This one will take a bit longer to see the proper effects of, but even so far it seems we’re willing to let players stew in the AHL more, and we’re not just graduating people up before they’re ready and then letting them fizzle out when they fail to perform for their overpaid contracts due to a little bit of success as a rookie. This also flows back to asset management.

    So yeah, we can get annoyed about the lack of picks (honestly our tally of picks still looks better than it did under Benning) and that we should be looking to truly rebuild our prospect pool (though even without picks it looks like Rutherford’s team is doing a decent job with that, going after some solid-looking European and undrafted players, though that all remains to be seen), but if you assume that Rutherford can’t change ownership’s philosophy while we have Hughes/Petey/Demko, then the execution of that philosophy is being done MILES better than Benning ever could.

  16. InternationalNebula9

    It’s quite obvious that the only reason that Boudreau was hung out to dry all season was due to ownership likely not wanting to either A.) admit their mistake by offering this guy a multi-year prior to consulting actual hockey ops and also vetoing for an extension with the mutual option, or B.) not wanting to pay 3 coaches due to also extending Green (after making him hang out to dry all season) the season prior.


    JR has/had a vision but there were obviously some obstacles to navigate. I think he probably thought by putting some media pressure on the coach, it would pressure the owner to finally give the OK to let Bruce go somewhat early in the season. Unfortunately our owner sucks + is heavily involved and it played out the way it did. Once the media + fan pressure become unbearable due to the obviously toxic situation + the way it likely was also affecting the on ice product. A really shameful level we haven’t seen before I don’t think.


    Fingers crossed the owner stays out of the way because it seems that that is the only common denominator in this team’s bad look over the past decade plus.

  17. SourGrapesFTW

    Everything he said in that interview came to be. Indeed with a good structure, now we are able to ice 4 AHL d-men and look better then we ever did (defensively) under Boudreau.

    Good post OP.

  18. notarealredditor69

    And yet he was shit on for doing what he needed to do to fix the problem

  19. smcfarlane

    Odd. Experience knows things.

  20. BrotherNuclearOption

    Has it?

    Green had the team playing with plenty of structure, even took them as deep into the playoffs as the franchise has been since 2011, only for that success to prove unsustainable.

    Boudreau came in and revitalized the room, for half a season. For all of the complaints of a lack of structure, he even had OEL and Myers looking like a legitimate defensive pair.

    This stretch under Tocchet doesn’t prove much. They’re doing well through a relatively soft stretch in the schedule, during a new coach bump, and with Demko healthy and back to his old form.

    Is that due to a bunch of new structure and accountability? Sure, maybe, but I’ve seen this film before. Colour me impressed if it holds through next December.

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