@Canucks de Vancouver

[Rob Williams] Les #Canucks ont dévoilé leur maillot Pride quatre jours avant Pride Night la saison dernière. Pride Night 2023 est dans trois jours.

[Rob Williams] Les #Canucks ont dévoilé leur maillot Pride quatre jours avant Pride Night la saison dernière. Pride Night 2023 est dans trois jours.



  1. JTMilleriswortha1st

    Cant wait for the Pride jersey to drop today or tomorrow and this be a whole lot of nothing

  2. deeho88

    I think we should give the Russians the option to wear it or not for the safety of their family. But the rest of the team should rock it

  3. AppealToReason16

    I’m really hoping the team doesn’t disappoint me here. I wasn’t worried about it until that complete non-commitment they made about it last week when they’re usually out with the marketing wagon pretty early on these things.

  4. NotaRussianChabot

    This whole season has been such a shit show I’m really hoping all the players just do the right thing and wear the jersey. I’m tired of making headlines.

  5. SourGrapesFTW

    Holy crap, give it a rest and enjoy the Pride Night.

    There’s some sad people looking for any sign to justify being outraged.

    Now we have a four day countdown to the Pride jersey being revealed 🤦🏻

  6. helixflush

    I support pride + gay rights 100%, but does anybody else think the movement has gotten way way too commercial?

  7. The canucks have always been really on top of things for social issues, would be an absolute disappointment to see them mess up pride night.

  8. grayum_ian

    Sending JT and Garland the strength to suck it up

    Edit: the number of people so upset over a little joke about conservatives that typically and traditionally don’t support gay rights is hilarious.

  9. milkisforbabies666

    Desperate journo looking for clicks

  10. Pistol-Pete7

    Oh Rob. Come on. Hoping for a great Pride night with sick jerseys, but enough with the media coverage.

  11. Zorbane

    Hopefully they just haven’t revealed it yet but I’ll be very disappointed if they bail like some other teams.

    In other words:

    « Fuckin pussies better figure it out »

    – Adam Gaudette

  12. Few-Strategy1508

    Any bets on which Canuck will make a huge, unnecessary fuss about it?

  13. BroliasBoesersson

    Just scratch whoever doesn’t want to wear it and they can sit out and not participate in warm-ups. It’s not like we have anything to play for and need to be icing an optimal line-up. If it’s a Russian player and they want to say that it’s because of fear of consequences, fine, whatever. Just don’t take away from everyone else who wants to wear the jersey and show support

  14. EarlyJudgment8464

    Based on the fact that we made a comment a week ago about making a comment closer to the date, I’d be surprised if we rock the pride sweaters this year. It almost seemed like they wanted to limit the amount of days they were going to face the inevitable blowback.

  15. jakkaphi

    Canucks have had jerseys for Diwali, Lunar New Year, Black History month… it would be an egregious omission to just skip Pride.

  16. TacoQueenYVR

    Canucks have been doing Pride nights and LGTBQIA+ stuff since before the league made it a thing. This is a whole lot of nothing burger, Podkolzin wore it last season and Kuzmenko is **Yakutian** which is a self governing autonomous region of Russia that is not subjected to the same laws as the rest. He also cannot be conscripted to fight in the war.

    The media in this city is really showing their inability to report on anything actually notable now that the Canucks won’t play ball with leaks and press passes. Proving that they’re all just glorified bloggers wanting special access rather than trying to provide interesting content.


  17. Necessary-Cicada-407

    Does that have to do with hockey ? -No it doesn’t and when is it straight jersey night haha jk that sounds ridiculous and some what familiar .

  18. rangers9458

    How about the Canucks play the game wearing the pride jerseys?

  19. Ngl I’m getting nervous about this whole thing but hope it ends up going well with all players showing support. I don’t want to be disappointed by some of my favorites lol

  20. CDL112281

    This needs to stop. This is becoming a witch hunt, for fucks sakes.

    Maybe the club is just a day slower than last year?

    I saw that idiot Ian Kennedy asking if any knew what Tage Thompson might have done with the Sabres pride jerseys bc Thompson is part of some Christian hockey group

    Please, for the love of god, just lay off. Are you planning to find out the religion of every single NHLer and then ask them what they might do? Ridiculous

  21. St_BiggieCheese

    I mean, it’s Vancouver. It would be massively disrespectful for any canuck player to not support pride night.
    LGBTQ+ is 100% accepted and respected in Vancouver. And any intolerance should not be accepted by management.

    We want as many people as possible to enjoy the amazing sport of hockey, everyone is welcome.

  22. timorousme

    there’s no way they’re not having jerseys, what are we doing here

  23. championchipcookie

    This sort of media coverage is why some teams decide the event isn’t worth the potential blowback.

    When the fans and media stop focusing all of their energy on those not participating instead of the majority of people who are, there will be progress.

    Until that happens, this kind of shit is 100% counter productive.

  24. monkey314

    Going to debut « Thin Blue Line » jerseys instead

  25. RayPetersonn

    I don’t even get this whole woke movement thing. Why can’t hockey just be about hockey and not liberal politics.

  26. notarealredditor69

    How many Russians joined the team this year

  27. dwsnmadeit

    It’s hilarious how many teams are refusing to wear the jersey when Hockey bros do the gayest shit I’ve ever seen in locker rooms. Pissing on eachother, shoving carrots up their asses, forcing people to sexually assault eachother for hazing purposes 😂 there was a huge story about this a couple years ago infact

  28. CosmicMarbles

    I don’t understand why this is even news. Is this not the norm? Why is this guy reporting this lmao

  29. StoneColdCanuck

    Open to hear opinions, but isn’t the step to normalize the LGBTQ community to stop putting attention to it? If it was normalized in society as it should by now, should there still be a need to even put it in these situations?

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