@Ligue nationale de hockey

Kucherov snobé

Kucherov snobé



  1. Onitiger2020

    Il take the Sedins over Elias

  2. logavulin16

    The all time lists are where Canada truly shines. Having Wayne, Mario, McJesus and Sid down the middle simply incomparable 🤯

  3. Outrageous-Estimate9

    NHL Euro?

    I am sorry but this list is pretty laughable (well beyond the Kucherov snub OP is concerned with)

    What is glaringly obvious are the vast majority of Russian superstars. Thier team used to make mincemeat of the NHL and WHA stars, not to mention going toe to toe vs the NHL teams in Super Series and Canada Cups.

  4. toastyera

    This list is stacked but without Draisaitl it seems wrong.. that said taking any one of these legends out does too.

  5. HymanisMyMan

    Draisaitl is better than kucherov

  6. logavulin16

    Interesting side note, is team Canada (all time) better than team world?

  7. EhhhhhBud97

    Draisaitl could definitely make this list

  8. Clunt-Baby

    I get that Draisaitl is still young, but I feel like he should be on here

  9. Scrapdiggity

    They need someone who doesn’t sit on Ltir until playoffs to bypass the cap so they passed on Kucherov

  10. ArnieAndTheWaves

    Wow, Vasi already has a body of work that puts him arguably above Kipper, and he’s not even 30 yet. Kipper and Lundqvist is an interesting comparison too, both with very similar GAA and SV% and one Vezina trophy (Kipper has a Jennings too).

  11. Soup0828

    If theres already elite 2 way players like datsyuk and fedorov i dont think koivu makes the team over a lot of other euro players.

  12. Biglychew7

    Mikko Rantanen will be on this team in a couple seasons, don’t you worry.

  13. Voltage604

    Who would you remove?

    Seriously that’s a stacked team and in my mind the only one you could arguably move out for Kuch or Drai is maybe Koivu

  14. James007Bond

    Kovalchuk over Elias or Koivu easy.

  15. Ok_Nefariousness6386

    4 lines of defense, 5 forward lines, and 3 goalies. That is a lot of players!

  16. the_figureh3ad

    draisaitl enters the chat

  17. Tako-Jerome

    I can’t even look at this shit on a workday

  18. krakatoa83

    Kuch makes a lot of what he does look a lot easier than it is and he’s very under appreciated

  19. Shawnaldo7575

    « Snubbed » makes it sound intentional. With only 15 forwards, 8 dmen and 3 goalies several good players have to be left off by default.

    Kuch, Draisaitl, the Sedin twins, Hossa, Zetterberg, Josi, Kopitar could all make this team.

  20. Epicbeing15

    Honestly, Karlsson and Hedman would be the perfect combo

  21. theygotsquid

    Fetisov being on here is weird – he was a very solid player but his elite years took place in Russia. There’s no way you can tell me he was a better overall **NHL** player than, say, Roman Josi.

  22. maxblanco

    As a Swiss I might be biased but I would have liked to see Josi.

  23. mrg3392

    You could argue Vasy should be backup, guys insanely talented and has the hardware to prove it

  24. ziggyjoe212

    Where is Hossa and Draisaitl?

  25. justaguy826

    Kucherov will be on this team in time, but I can easily understand leaving him off at this point in his career.

  26. dalcer

    In my hockey group chat someone posted and mentioned kuch and sedin snubs, also the malkin over ovi thing

  27. MissaShobb

    I’d take Hejduk over Elias. Fight me

  28. maverick57

    There are multiple European players I would have ahead of Elias, Kucherov, Hossa and Kovalchuk just off the top of my head.

  29. ExtraordinaryMagic

    Mikita moved to Canada when he was 8. Not a euro, didn’t grow up playing euro hockey. Stupid list.

    Koivu not that good. Elias not that good.

    Could easily replace them on this list.

  30. TexasYankee212

    Who would kick out? There is a formidable lineup.

  31. TucsonTacos

    There are at least a couple Soviets that make this list. Just because they weren’t NHL doesn’t mean they’re not European

  32. New_Nebula_8447

    Seeing Forsberg on the same line Fedorov and Jagr 🤤

  33. BeanBurritto69420

    Stan Mikita is a Slovakian born Canadian, played for Canada in the Summit series.

    Koivu Mikita Elias out
    Draisaitl Hossa Kucherov in

    How is my team not better?

  34. BayAreaGuy5

    TIL Russia is part of Europe.

  35. Wide-Concert-7820

    Jagr is 2nd line. Really?

  36. Nylander2020

    Mats Sundin’s literally the best Swedish player of all time and is somehow on the bench

  37. Litterbox88

    Soooo when do we acknowledge that Russia isn’t part of Europe?

  38. ThisJustInWoodwork

    Vladislav Tretiak should be one of the goalies

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